Friday, September 30, 2016

Sept. 30th, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Just a letter to let you know I am ok and
everything is as good as can be expected. We
sure could have a few nice days.
          Can you tell me if all my allotments
have been received to date, and just how much
you have received so far. I increased it and
was wondering if your had received the increases.
          I have been receiving my mail quite regular
now. Almost a letter a day. Then once in awhile
they all come in bunches. If you send me
a package will you put my flashlight in it.
I can get batteries over here for it. Also I could
use some heavy socks.
          Can you give me more details about Freemans
work. All I have heard he is on some farm. How
did he get the job. I wrote to Newt last night I
don't remember if I have written to him before
or not since being over here.
          I have been wondering if they had the fair this
year and if the sugar factory has started. I sure
wish I was back there to help them start.
This is my second season from being there
now. Goodbye                        for now. Love Ralph

The next letter will be posted on Oct. 3rd.

Background Information (and comments):

  • This was sent as a V-mail; Ralph wrote this on Sept. 30th, but it wasn't postmarked until October 7th.
  • The small writing was extremely difficult to read; I'm guessing at the name "Newt".
  • Freeman was Ralph's youngest brother; he turned 18 in June 1943.

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