Monday, September 26, 2016

Sunday Sept. 26, 1943


Dear Mother,
     Well finally some of your letters
have caught up with me. I hadn't
received one for almost 3 weeks, but a
few days ago I received some. It
is really too bad about Warren's
wife. I hardly could believe it. I guess
one never know what is really in
store for us.
     I received letters from Irene, Luella
Marie, Lenore and you. It is like sitting
down and reading a book when you get
so many. I enjoyed everyone of them too.
     I guess Irene will always be the
same to me as always. I get impatient
when I don't hear for a while and then
I start worrying. Everything is ok I guess
from the way all my letters read. It is
just bad connections in getting our mail.
     I have written to you every  week
and sometimes twice a week. I hope you
have received all of them.

     The chaplain gave out stationery this
morning after the services. We had a
grand service this morning. I wished I
could have attended the service tonight
but I am on C.Q duty tonight so I couldn't
     I have been in London again. I go there
everytime I have a day off. I saw the
movie "Gone With The Wind" I seen it about
3 years ago but it was still good to see it
     I believe we had the meals today yet
that I have had since being in the E.T.O.
I still would love to have a good old
chicken dinner again. I am looking forward
to Thanksgiving Day dinner. Maybe we
will have turkey or some kind of fowl.
     I won't know the old home place when
I get home the way Dad is painting things
up around there.
     Well I can't think of much more
to write about tonight, so I guess I will
have to say goodbye till some other time.

     Hope I receive a letter from you
 this week. It gets quite lonesome when
I don't hear from you every week. I
guess you will have to do most of
the writing from that end, because I
really don't have much to write about.
     Goodbye for now. Tell everyone I
said hello and I always enjoy letters
from anyone. So long for now.
                                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on Sept. 30th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Ralph used CQ and ETO is this letter. Here are explanations and a photo of the stationery he used:
    • CQ or Charge of Quarters is a tasked duty in which a United States armed forces service member is to guard the front entrance to the barracks.
    • The "European Theater of Operations" was the term used by the United States in World War II, to refer to all US military activity in Europe that fell under the administrative command of "European Theater of Operations, United States Army" (ETOUSA). It was bordered to the south, by the Mediterranean Theater of Operations (MTO), covering North Africa and Italy. The United States Department of War officially established ETOUSA, on June 8, 1942. Its mission was to conduct planning for the eventual retaking of Europe, and to exercise administrative and operational control over U.S. forces. From February 1944, the "Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force" (SHAEF) took over operational command. As an Allied command, SHAEF also had operational control of British and all other allied land forces and tactical air forces in the European theate

  • The term "European Theater of Operations" should not be confused with the European Theater of World War II, which is often defined to include the years before the US entered the war, and other campaigns and actions which did not involve the use of American forces. The term "theater of operations" was defined in the American field manuals as "the land and sea areas to be invaded or defended, including areas necessary for administrative activities related to the military operations".

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