Thursday, November 26, 2015

Stinson Field Nov. 26, 1942

Dear Mother,
          Just finished Thanksgiving
Dinner. I really put in some
work on it. I started last night
at 10 P.M. and it is 1:15 P.M. now.
I am really tired out.
          The reason for my writing
is my furlough starts Dec. 1.
to Dec. 15. the best I could do.
Please send the rest of my
money so I can get home. Telegraph
it through. Please excuse the
poor writing I am dead tired.
Fill in the amount of money
I have left and send it so
I will have it Tuesday or even
Monday. So long for now. Don't tell
Irene I am coming.

                                  Nov. 26, 1942
     Blissfield State Bank.
Pay to Myself. Ralph W. Brown.
                               Ralph W. Brown.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Thanks to friends and family who have sent messages to clarify information from Ralph's letters. A cousin recently pulled up the 1940 census and found a John & Jessie Bartholamew. Since I am familiar with this family's name from the area, we both concluded that they were neighbors and it was John's death that Ralph commented about in his last letter.

The next letter will be posted on Dec. 16th.

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