Thursday, November 19, 2015

Stinson Field Texas Nov. 19, 1942

Dear Mother,
          I received your letter yesterday and was
glad to hear from you. I didn't receive any from
Irene, but I can't complain I have received
one or two from her everyday since she
received my address.
          Yesterday it was a terrible hot
day. All the fellows working outside got
sunburnt. It seems funny to just get thru
a summer and then start in again so
soon. Today it is really a grand day out not
to hot or to cool. It is rather cloudy. They
say it rained here the 4th of July and then
again on Labor Day. That is all the rain they
have had. I guess when it does rain it
really floods everything.
          I am off duty for today. When you
are cooking you are on for one day and then
you are off for one day. It gives you plenty of
time to sleep and catch up on your letter
writing. I know I haven't written much. There
isn't much to write about. I have some
snapshots taken here in Texas. They turned
out real good. I will send them as soon
as I get some extra prints made. I sent
Irene the first prints and will send you

the others as soon I get them, Did you know
that Vic Martin is at home now? Irene said
he had a thirty day furlough. He flew in
from Trinidad. I put my application in this
morning for one. I didn't state any special
time I want my furlough to begin so I don't know
when it will come through. It will cost me
around $35 for a round trip ticket to come home
and it will be around 36 hours. Gosh it seems
a long ways when you stop to think about it.
I am going down to the depot someday and find
out about it sometime.
          Well I guess this is about all for today.
I can't think of much more to say. I hope you
enjoy my photo very much. I guess we sign
the payroll today or tomorrow. Harold Palding
went A.W.O.L at Patterson Field before we left
to come down here. He owes me a little money
but I guess he has really gotten himself in
a jam by being A.W.O.L. when we moved. He
will get about six months in the guard house
for it, and two thirds of his pay taken away. It
isn't worth the time you are gone A.W.O.L to pay
for it like that. Well so long for now. Tell
Ruth I might get ambition enough to write to
her. Tell here to write anyway. So long for now.
                                          Love Ralph.

Background Information (and comments): 

  • Here is a link to a website about punishment for A.W.O.L. (deserters) during WWII:

The next letter will be posted on Nov. 21st.

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