Monday, November 2, 2015

Stinson Field Texas Nov. 10, 1942

Dear Mother,

          Well here it is Nov. 10, a day
before Armistice day. I don't think it
has much meaning this year. I don't
suppose I will do much this year. I
have a new job in the army since
moveing to Texas. I am a cook now.
Can you imagine it? I suppose it
is a surprise to you, it is to me.
They asked me to help out. I guess they
heard some of the fellows razzing me about
my me that I should be a cook. I
told the captain about my propeller
course I took so he said to take this
until something in the line turns up.
He said when it did I could get here
and go on repair work. He said this
would beat drilling. It isn't hard here
at all. We only feed 175 men to a
meal. It is 3 oclock now and we have
supper done already to serve.
     It is a lot cool here today. There
is a strong wind blowing from the north
so I guess that is what makes it a bit
cooler. Sunday I was in San Antonio.

most of the day. I was at the Alamo
and a few other historic places. I took
a few snapshots but I don't know
when I will get the rest of the roll finished.
     When my proofs for my picture
comes, pick out the one you want. Mail
it back there and send $5.18 then I
will pay you the money. I am going to
ask for a furlough in about 2 or 3 weeks.
I hope I do get one. If I don't I will send
you the money then or ask to get some
out of the bank. So pay for it and I will
see that you get yours.
     Well I guess this is about all for
now. I received a letter from Cliff's Sunday.
It had been transferred from Patterson Field.
I hope I start getting some letters soon.
It is lonesome without hearing
from home. So long for now.
                                      Love Ralph.

Kentuck, myself, Berry standing in front of the Alamo.
This is the original wall.

The next letter will be posted on November 15th.

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