Monday, November 2, 2015

Stinson Field San Antonio Nov. 15, 1942

Dear Mother,

          I received your letter today and was
really glad to receive it. I imagine it does
seem cold in Michigan. It really seems
funny to think this is November and it
being so warm. I am acting as a cook
now. I don't know how long I will be on
it, I like it ok but I don't think I would
want it steady. There seems to be to much
work and long hours connected with it.
     Well I guess the picture of the war
has changed considerable in the last
week. I hope they really do get them on
the run and keep them running.
     The proofs you mailed back to the
photographer I haven't finished paying for
them. I will make out a slip so you
can draw the money out of the bank for me.
Draw out $15 and send me $10 of it, and
have the pictures sent C.O.D. or send them
$5.18 for them. I don't know why it is but
I seem to be running low on money
down here. I guess moveing to a new
camp there is things you want to see

and it costs money to see them down
here. It costs 20 cents for bus fare into
town and 20 cents out again. I have been
to the show a few times and I sent
Irene a gift from Patterson Field before
I left. Then two or three telephone
calls so I guess the money is accounted
for. I sent Irene a musical powder
box. She says she likes it real
well. Have you seen her lately?
When you do see her give her one
of the group pictures and also one of
my big colored pictures. How were
they? Were they very good proofs?
     Have you found out what happened
at the sugar factory yet. Well I must
get back to my cooking. Will write more
after supper. We are haveing vegetable
soup, asparagus and lettuce salad, apple
pie and milk for supper.
     Well here it is Sunday morning. After
we had supper I didn't feel like writing.
Coming down with a cold I guess. I just
layed around and listened to the radio and
went to bed at 9:00 o'clock. I am going into
San Antonio this afternoon for a while. There
seems to be all Catholic churches around
here. I haven't seen any other church. Maybe
someday a couple of us will try and locate one.

     It is really a nice day here in Texas
today. Getting warm fast out. By noon it
will be around 75 or 80. It is a post
ruling when we go to town we have to
wear our blouses and we really smoth
smother in them. By the time sun goes down
we need them. I guess that is why most
of us have colds.
     Yesterday we had a garrison inspection.
All of our clothes had to be laid out just so
on our beds and two captains a lieutant, and
a visiting colonel made the inspection. I
was on duty in the kitchen but had to lay
my clothes out. The captain said it was
the best outfit on the field and our mess
hall was the cleanest. Well I guess this
is about all for now. I will write more
during the week.
                         So long for now.
                                      Love Ralph.

Background Information:

  • Here is a timeline of events in November 1942 to illustrate why Ralph felt that "the picture of the war has changed considerable in the last week".
    • November 8, 1942

      The Allies invade North Africa, beginning Operation Torch. U.S. forces landed in Algeria, Oran, and Casablanca.

      November 10, 1942

      Vichy French forces stop fighting the Allies. Allied forces begin move into Tunisia.

      November 13, 1942

      British troops recapture Tobruk, Libya.

The next letter will be posted on Nov. 21st.

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