Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Stinson Field, San Antonio, Texas December 16, 1942

Dear Mother,
          Here I am in Texas. The land of
sunshine. I made good connections until
the train from Chicago to St. Louis was
late in getting into St. Louis. We, myself
and a fellow from Detroit missed the train
in St. Louis and had to lay over in St. Louis
for 6 hours. I called Gloria and was she
surprised to hear from me. She thought I
had been shipped across. She invited me
out to dinner at a big restaurant and I had
a grand meal and a swell visit. It was
Janes birthday. While we were in St. Louis
they had a practice blackout. Gosh it was
spooky if that is what you want to call it.
It is the first one I was ever in. Everything
was blacked out.
          I got here 10:30 A.M. this morning.
If I had made connections in St. Louis on
time I would have been here 6:30 P.M.
Tuesday night on time. I reported right
away and nothing was held against my
being late. Some of the fellows haven't
shown up yet. The fellow from Chicago

didn't even show up. Quite a few
of the fellows here have received stripes.
I am not doing any cook work anymore.
I am going to work on propellers or go to
school some more I guess.
          I enjoyed my furlough at home very
much. I really hated to come back. More
so this time than when I left for the
army. I know what is coming now, and
is [it] was so far to come. Nothing familar
and no telling when I will get back north
again. So long for now, and I hope you
have a Merry Christmas.
                                Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on December 20th.

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