Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Sept. 1, 1942

Dear Mother,
     Gee it seems funny to write
Sept. down already.Time is really
going places. It has been real
hot here lately again. It seems
so muggy. You can hardly breath
for it.
     Yesterday we got paid again.
I drawed $77.11 net. That is $27
more than a regular soldier gets.
It is a rebate on the money paid
to us to pay for our schooling here.
My room & board for Aug. was
$53.14 and laundry was $5.00 making
an expense of $58.14. The gov't pays
Parks $75.25 for our lodging and our
expenses being only $58.14 out of $75 made
up the $27. more than I figured on

my regular $50 a month. Gee I
got to keep a close watch on my
billfold now.
     Sunday morning I didn't wake
up until 10:30 so I missed church.
It starts at 10:30 to 11:30. I went to
the station and found out about my
railroad fare for a round trip
to Toledo. It is ownly costing
me $11.15 to come home and back
here again. I will arrive in Toledo
at 2:05 Sunday afternoon your time.
So either be there or have somebody
there, and bring Irene with you.
I told her to write and let you know
where she would be so she can
have you pick her up. Gosh
I can hardly wait. Suppose the
dog will still reconize me. Try to
keep him home so I can see him to.
I am going to have so many to see
in such a short time I won't know
where to begin. I think I will begin
right at the station and then home
to clean up. You get grimy riding
on the railroad. So you can help

me out by having things ready
for me to take a bath and shave.
I will probably get quite a bit of
sleep on the train.
     I suppose you are going to try
and have the whole family there for
a home coming. I wish it was for
good. I am getting use to it now tho.
It isn't so bad when a person isn't
drilled to death all the time. I don't
know where we will be sent from
     What did you do Sunday? I spent
my Sunday at the Park & zoo. I guess
I have seen about all of it now. There
is 1,400 acres in it. The girls we
met the Sunday before had us meet
them out there or planned it that
way. The one I was supposed to

be with couldn't come in the after
noon so I was alone. At night we
went back to the U.S.O and cleanup.
Took a shower and ate then went
and got the girls and went to a show.
Do you think I am doing wrong to
go out? It doesn't mean a thing to
me. All I do it for is to get away
from this Army routine and talk
to somebody esle for a change. It
gets your mind off of things and school
for a while. I would lots rather do
that then go out and get soused up
like some of them do here. A lot of
them are drunk from Sat. night til
Monday noon. Some of them even go
to school drunk. I am trying to be
true to Irene and everything, after all
these girls do [don't??] begin to compare to
Irene, and the only time we get out
is Sunday afternoon and night so we
can't see them to get real serious.
     I have to go to town today and
do a little shopping. Got to get me
a new pair of dress shoes and a

dress cap to wear with my O:D
uniform. Is the weather cool there

at night? I want to wear my O:D
home so I can have my pictures
taken in my full uniform. I am
bringing along one of my summer
suits anyway if it is to warm.
     Well I can't think of anymore to
say right now. So I guess I will
have to close for now. I will see
you Sunday afternoon. So have
everything ready to so I can get to see
everybody while I am there.
     Goodbye for now. I will see
you Sunday. If things aren't changed.
Never can plan to far ahead in the
                          Love Ralph.

  • Here is the stationery and envelope that Ralph got from the U.S.O. for this letter.
  • The next post will be on September 4th.

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