Monday, September 14, 2015

Parks Air College East Saint Louis, Illinois Sept. 14, 1942

Dear Mother,
          Well this month will soon be
half gone before we know it. Time seems
to go so fast here. Haven't heard where
we are going yet. There are a lot of rumors
but they are just what some of the
fellows think. I hope it is closer to
home. It probably won't be though.
          It has been awlful warm here for
the last few days, and the bugs here
are simply swarming the air. At night
in school we can hardly sit near a
          Yesterday I was by myself all day
long. I went to a couple of shows and took
a street car ride all over St. Louis. I
guess it was my farewell visit to St. Louis.
I hope the next place we are at the
people will treat us as nice as they
have here. I can't think of anything to

about. I guess it is lucky I am getting
moved then I will have something to
write about again. It might be that we
will be sent back to J.B. but I hope
          We start on our last propeller
tonight so I suppose we will be plenty
busy. Friday night we have our final
exam on it and Saturday we graduate
so it is going to keep us plenty busy.
Well I guess I will have to sign off.
I don't think of anymore to write about.
So long. I will write if I know
anything for shure where we will be
sent to.

Background Info:

  • Ralph refers to Jefferson Barracks (his previous assignment in St. Louis, Missouri) as J.B.
The next letter will be posted on September 17th.

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