Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Parks Air College East Saint Louis, Illinois Aug. 11, 1942

Dear Mother,

Well I had my trip over the weekend and enjoyed it very much.

We left here at 3 in the morning got a ride with one of the other fellows as far as Vencenes [Vincennes] Ind. Then we hitch-hiked from there into Louisville Ky. We made it in 3 rides it only took us 7 hrs. I went to church there and then this boy's sister picked us up at church. There was 3 of us whom went. We had a grand dinner and was ready to eat to.

Louisville is larger than I figgered. It is right along the Ohio River. There was lots of buildings that had the marking on them from the flood of 1937. Some of them were marked as high as the 3rd floors. Still can see some of the places where it took all the houses.

After dinner Bob the boy we went with visited with his folks and Bill and I slept. We needed it to. About 4 o'clock they took us for a ride to see the town. We were out to the Churchill Downs. They only have races there about twice a year. The place is all flowers now. Its just like walking into a big flower garden.

Then we went to a big park there. Louisville is a little hilly but not bad. The park was in the hilly section.

They were all glad to see us and everybody was inviting us over. Bob's friend's could hardly get away so we could come back. We came back on the train. Left there at 11 o'clock and got back here at 7:30 Monday morning. I really enjoyed the trip.

Yesterday I got a package of candy in the mail. I guess it was from Irma, and Irene. They had some crazy things added to it but I enjoyed getting it.

Well I can't think of much more news. It has been cool here all week. I hope it stays that way.

I haven't received any pay as yet. If you could spare a little money it would help me out. Signed the pay roll but don't know when we will get it.

Well we have plenty of school work to keep us busy. It is getting some of the fellows down. Had a two weeks final exam Saturday night. I got a 78. It is better than class average. Three of the boys failed. So now they really have to study.

Well it is almost time for everybody to be up. So I guess I will have to sign off. I took some pictures Sunday. I'll get some prints made soon as possible. I hope they turn out good.

Tell Ruth to tell Donna I've been so busy that I haven't had much time, but will write as soon as possible. Maybe today yet.

Still receiving shots. Get another one today for tetanus. Hope they are soon over. The last one almost knocked me down. Three typhoid shots and 3 tetanus shots and a small pox vaccination. I think there is a couple more shots somewhere along the line. Ought to be healthy when I get out. Well so long for now.


Background Information:

  • Here is a link to a slideshow and information about the 1937 Louisville flood. http://archive.courier-journal.com/article/20120118/ZONE07/301180045/1937-flood-changed-Louisville-forever

The next letter will be posted on August 16th.

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