Sunday, August 16, 2015

August 16, 1942

Dear Mother,

     Here it is Sunday again. The
time seems to be going so fast. I have
been haveing a swell time today.
     This morning another fellow and I
decided to go out and have a good time.
We came over to the U.S.O. and then
went out to Forest Park. Was at the
zoo for a while and then sponged
again. I am getting good at this. After
that we went over to the Highlands
it is a big amusement park. Some
girl hollered at me as if she knew
me. I found out it was the girl where
I have my pictures taken. She had
two girl friends with her. So we ran
around for a while and rode on a
few things. This girl lost her husband
in the Pearl Harbor attack. She is a
swell girl I kinda forgot about being

so homesick when you have someone
to talk to. After they left we ran
into two other girls we met on the
street car in the morning. We was with
them for a while and now we are back
to the U.S.O. It is 8:00 and we are
deciding how to wind up our day.
     We have had a grand time tho.
Nothing serious between the girls and
us though just someone to help us
make our day a success. Everyone is
willing to lend a helping hand here. People
even go out of there way when they pick
us up. I think the U.S.O. club here
is doing more than its share. I wish
you could see it. You would think there
wasn't a worry in the world. Singing,
dancing, games of all kinds and pinics.
     I have been awlful busy studying
 this last week and will be the next week.
Only have five more weeks here and
then a change of country and address
     I think I will be able to make
it home over Labor Day. Nothing for
sure yet, but I think I can make it.
Here's hoping I can anyway.

     I will tell you more about
it when I find out for sure. Here
keeping up hope anyway.
     We got paid finally. I drawed
$97.30 up to the first of August. I will
be paid again before Labor Day so I
might take a plane from here to
Toledo. One of the boys did and it
only cost in $13 to go to Kansas City.
I am looking forward to it anyway.
     I am going to get some more pictures
taken tomorrow for all of them. I here
Irene was over the other night. How
is she? I been getting a lot of letters
from her but she doesn't talk much
about herself.
     Well I can't think of much more
to say now. I have been haveing a
grand time for the last two weekends

now. Hope I can keep it up.
Well so long for now. Hope to see
you soon.

Background Info:
  • Here is a link for additional information about Forest Park & the Highlands that Ralph visited.
  • I typed this letter as it appeared so the reader would have a better idea of how many words fit on each line and where a page ended. It does make it somewhat harder to read (and type), but that is how his mother would have been reading it.
The next post will be a post card on August 19th.

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