Saturday, May 26, 2018

Belgium May 26, 1945

Dear Mother & all,
        Received your letter of May 15
today. The pictures you sent me
of Mrs. Woodwards class. I almost
believe you have some of the names
mixed up. I guessed the two boys
and that is all. I sure won't know
any of them when I get home again.
    Saturday night in Belgium. What
a difference than it use to be. I
am writing tonight because to
morrow I have off and I am figuring
on spending it in Brussells. Then
Monday morning I think I am going
to enter the hospital. You remember
when I was in Texas I told you that
they told me I had a cyst. Well it

has finally began to bother me
a little. I thought this would be a
good time to get rid of it. They have
very good medical facilities over
here. Back in the states in cilivian
life an operation of this kind would
be three or four hundred dollars. Here
I get it free and I will have to get
it some day anyway.
     I have been wondering if I am
an uncle again, yet. It has been
on my mind all day. I don't know
why. I guess it is because my
birthday is coming next week.
     I suppose you have been
wondering about my points in the
army. I have 57 and 85 is required
to get out. So I guess you can figure

it out anyway you want to. I believe
that any with over fifty points won't
see the Pacific though.
         Well I guess this is about a letter
for now. Please write when you can.
Keep the mail comeing because it
is the closest I can get to you now.

The next letter will be posted on May 30th (Ralph's 26th birthday).

Background Information (and comments):

  • When this letter was written, Audrey Dings Brown, his brother Glenn's wife was expecting their first child. 
  • Ralph had 3 nephews and 3 nieces:
    • Harold James Brown (age 14) and Marilyn Louise Brown (age 7) children of his oldest brother Harold and his wife Lenore.
    • Richard Myrl Spalding (age 8), Myrlene Lou Spalding (age 4), and William Ernest Spalding (age 2) children of his sister Luella and her husband Myrl Spalding.
    • Donna Jean Brown (age 2) daughter of his brother Clifford and his wife Marie.
  • This photo has Ralph's mother with these 3 nephews and 3 nieces. From left to right: Jim Brown, Marilyn Brown, Bill Spalding, Donna Brown, Dick Spalding, Myrlene Spalding. A notation on back says is was taken on Billy's birthday (Sept. 26). I'm guessing the year to be 1943.

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