Thursday, May 17, 2018

Belgium May 17, 1945

Dear Brother,
          Well I think it is about time
I was getting a few lines off to you
again. I have been neglecting you
lately but somehow I just can't find
much to write about. In your trips
to Toledo do you ever see anything
of Irene or Irma? Do you see any
of their family? I was just wondering
and thought maybe you would run
into one of them somewhere. You don't
need to say anything about it, but
I know who and how we were
broke up now. I think you can
make a good guess yourself.
     How did you celebrate VE day?
I did a little celebrating myself. A
little to drink and we met a

a couple of A.T.S. girls. (English Wac). We
had a very good time. Now it is all
over and back to work.
    I suppose you are busy now. Well
keep it up. Its going to take a lot to
feed this world.
      It really is to bad about Aunt
Susie. I just wonder how Morgan took
it. I would like to get to England and
see him, but I guess it is impossible.
Well this is about all for now.
Write when you can.
                                Your brother

The next letter will be posted on May 21st.

Background Information (and comments):

  • This letter was written to Ralph's youngest brother, Freeman. He was living in Addison, Michigan at the time.
  • Ralph's full name was Ralph William and many people, like his brothers, called him Bill throughout his lifetime.

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