Sunday, October 22, 2017

France. Sunday Oct. 22.

Dear Mother & all,
         Another Sunday has rolled
around again and time for me to
write to you again. I received four
letters today. One from Marie, Harley
and two from Freeman.
      Marie told me about haveing
you over for a Sunday dinner.
Gosh how I would love to set
down to a meal like that. Our
food is well prepared, but could
stand a little more of it.
      It has rained every day I
have been in France except today.
I have never seen so much mud
in my life before.
      Well now we have to do
our own laundry work. I have

some clothes on the stove, boiling
now. I am afraid they will
have a tattle tale gray look
to them, but will smell clean
anyway. I hope.
      I have finally moved off of
the ground into a tent with a
wooden floor. The flooring we
obtained by tearing down some
German buildings here. They
really lived nice here. Some of
the things I will be able to tell
you after the war, you probably
will think them fairy tales, but
I was even surprised myself.
    I haven't had a letter from you
for a long time now. I know the
mail is being held up somewhere.
I hope I will get some mail soon.
I want to get some of my papers so

I will have something to read.
     Well I can't think of much more
to write about tonight. I guess
this will be about all for this
letter. Tell Audrey I will try
to get a letter written to her and
Glenn soon. It is rather hard
to do but I will try to manage
a little time.
                           Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on October 29th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Harley, Freeman, and Glenn (Audrey) were 3 of Ralph's brothers. Marie was married to another brother, Cliff. The only siblings not mentioned in this letter were his oldest brother Harold (Lenore) and his sister Luella (Myrl).

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