Sunday, May 21, 2017

England May 21, 1944.

Dear Mother,
      Luella have written me and
told me about your illness. I
hope by the time you receive this
letter everything will be ok again.
     I have four letters from Luella
this week. I will have to get
busy and write to her. Gee it
keeps my busy in writing
     I received two copies of the
Record and also the Advance.
So now I have a little reading
material on hand.
     Mother, I can't tell you where
I am located at. But I know if
you knew where I was you
wouldn't have to worry about me.

     I don't want you to worry about
where I am. I know it would just
make your sickness worse. But
it is safe where I am.
     Received a birthday card from
Cliff's this past week. Gee I am
getting old.
     Luella sent me some pictures of
her kids. Gosh how they have
grown. I have been away so long
now. I can sure see a big change
in them. Especially the little
man called Bill. Gosh what a
     I had a letter from Donna Staup
today. I must answer it also. I bet
her and Ruth have grown and
changed a lot. Gosh I really can't
imagine how everyone will look
when I get home again.

     There really isn't much news
to write about from over here. I
was at our services again today.
The chaplain had a very nice
sermon today. I try to go every
     Well mother, hurry up and get
well. I always like to have your
letters. Goodnight for now.
                          Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on May 24th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Luella was Ralph's only sister (born Oct. 23, 1914). She married Myrl Spalding on May 25, 1935. They had three children: Richard (Dick) born June 9, 1936, Myrlene born May 10, 1941, and William (Bill) born Sept. 26, 1942.
  • Cliff was one of Ralph's older brothers (born Oct. 19, 1912). He married Marie David on July 15, 1939. One of their three daughters had been born when the letter was written: Donna born Oct. 7, 1942.
  • Ralph's birthdate was May 30, 1919.
  • Here are some photos of Ralph's nieces & nephews (and friends' children??):
Only information I have is that this was taken in May 1944.
This photo reads "at Myrlene's birthday party)"
Charles - (Virginia & Ken's boy)
Donna Jean (Cliff & Marie's oldest daughter)
Connie Jo (Mary's baby)
Myrlene & Billy
Marilyn Beth Hydal
Alice, Mary & Marie 
This photo reads "This was taken Sept. on Billy's birthday."
There was no date and no one was identified, but clearly it is Ralph's mother.

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