Monday, May 1, 2017

England May 1, 1944

Dear Mother,
        Just a day late in writing
this letter to you but I know you
will understand under what conditions
it is delayed.
        I had two from you last we
one of the 12 and 18th. I received the
one of the 18th first only took it six
days. I would call that bad at all.
        In that one letter with the
handkerchief that was all I had
in it. I am glad I sent it. Now
Luella wants one. Maybe I will be
able to find her one. Then suppose
Lenore and Marie would also like

one. They are rather expensive
here too.
        I guess Harley and I are the
ones that is getting around in our
family. I have seen enough of this
world already. I will be perfectly
satisfied to come home and settle
down. Is Fred Southward in the
        I may be able to take some
pictures here soon. I have two
rolls of film and have borrowed
a camera. So maybe I can send
some home.
        I guess you have been haveing
some strange weather. It is really
grand here now. I go around in

my shirt sleeves while at work.
Everything is so nice and green
over here. It gives me spring
fever. Last night I was rather
blue. It was five years ago yesterday
that I met Irene. Gosh time does
certainly go fast. Although it seem
longer than that since I have been
    I am glad that you liked the pictures.
The one I sent Irene arrived ok
to. Irene said I must have gained
some. I only weigh fourteen stone
now. 196 lbs. I have lost around
twenty pounds, but maybe my
face doesn't show it. I am trading
in my coat for a smaller one.

    You know I forgot all about
Dad's birthday. I guess there is to
much to think about over here.
I was thinking just the other night
that it must seem strange to you
to keep that big house and just
three of you there. Gosh you know
it is quite a while since I was there
steady. I can't hardly imagine such
a small family now.
    It is a strange thing Marie
sent the same post of the blade to
me. It was the first one I have
received. I guess Irene and Irma
are going to move into Toledo in
a small apartment by themselves.
I don't know what is wrong

but I have a good idea. Maybe
it is for the best.
    Mother, if any one complains
about my not writing. I really
haven't a thing to write about.
Goodnight for now.
                              Love Ralph.

The dates for the next 2 posts will be May 5th and May 7th.
The post on May 5th will be a re-post of a letter from Sept. 5, 1943 as I recently found the rest of the pages of that letter.

Background Information (and comments):

  • I believe Fred Southward was Ralph's cousin.
  • Ralph's reference to the blade is the Toledo Blade newspaper. 
  • William Stephen Brown (Ralph's dad) was born on April 18, 1880, making him 64 years old when Ralph wrote this letter.
  • I am re-posting pictures with some information about the homestead as I recently drove by and snapped some photos.

The original owner of the house was Henry Chulip. He was the father of Bessie Chulip (Ralph's mother). He was born in 1842 and died in 1936.
Another view of the house and some farm buildings.
The barn was built in 1913.

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