Sunday, May 14, 2017

England. May 14, 1944.

Dear Mother,
        Sunday night and Mother's
Day is nearly over. I will write
my greetings to you now. I hope
you had a very enjoyable
holiday. I guess they don't celebrate
Mother's day here in England very
much. I couldn't even find any
mother's day cards. I know you
will understand why there is
no greeting card from me.
        This morning our chapel
was full. The chaplain had a
very good message. I know
every fellows minds were
right there in thought of there
mother. I know mine was. It
is hard to realize that just

about now, as I have my days
work done and will be getting
ready for bed in a few short hours
you folks back home are just
setting down to eat your dinner.
Are the rest of the kids home
with you today?
        I received two letters from
you this pass week so will
try to answer your questions now.
Did you see Mrs. Setzler when
you were at her house? Irene
says she is working in Toledo
now. Thanks an awlful lot for
getting Irene something for me.
       What is wrong with Evelyn's
little boy? There must be a letter
missing because I didn't know
there was anything wrong with
him. I think there is at least

one letter missing yet. Irene's
letters aren't all here yet either. She
numbers hers so I know when one
is missing.
        As you said, Time is passing
fast. It most certainly is. I can
hardly keep up on the days anymore
at all. We have been haveing some
grand days lately. Last night we
had a thunderstorm and a nice
rain. They needed the rain too.
       I am glad you were able to
see the picture "This Is The Army".
I saw the movie and also the
stage play. I enjoyed both of them.
Now you will realize some of
the things we go through. But
they just showed the bright side
of the army life. How did the
shower for Audrey turn out?

I hope you have sent my shirts
by now. It is rather warm
wearing OD shirts.
       I am sorry to hear about Mrs.
Martin. I guess things will be
changed a lot by the time I get home.
There will be a lot of the folks
gone and a lot of the kids will
be so grown I won't know them.
       I guess this will be about all
for this letter. Goodnight mother
I hope you had a very enjoyable
                        Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on May 21st.

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