Sunday, May 28, 2017

May 28, 1944

Dear Mother & all,
      Received your V mail letter
this passed week and was glad
to know you are feeling better.
Had a letter from Luella today
and she said she was looking
for you and dad over sometime
during the week. So now I know
you are feeling much better.
      Today was a free day for me.
I was off so I went to town.
It was a beautiful day to.
I was thinking about you a lot
today. I guess because it is
the Sunday before memorial
day. I suppose you attended
the services at Riga today. Please
write and tell me all about it.
      The town was rather dead

here today being Sunday.
I attended church services in
town today. It was a congregational
church. They conduct there services
quite different that we do.
      What is the matter with
Eldon and his wife? He should
have to be drafted and then
he would have more respect
for a nice wife and home. One
never knows what he gives up
until he comes across and there
isn't a thing that reminds him
of home. I guess this nice spring
weather is giving me a slight
touch of the blues tonight. I say
night because it is after supper
and it doesn't get dark until 11 o'clock
now. It doesn't seem as if there
is any darkness at all anymore.

      I suppose you will be haveing
a big wedding around there soon
      Received a letter from Freeman
yesterday. He said Glenn had asked
him to stand up with him. He
also told me about Harley makeing
expert rifleman. That is darn
good and plenty hard to make
also. I am glad he can get something
out of it.
     Had a letter from Harley also
said he has been driving truck
and expects to get his license
soon. He just wrote a V mail letter.
      I try to answer most of my
letters but it is awlful hard
to write. There isn't much to
write about and we work about
16 hours a day now. So it

doesn't leave very much time to
ourselves and sleep yet to.
      I guess this is all for this
letter mother. I hope you will be
able to write me a nice long
letter soon. I miss them a lot.
Haven't received the shirts yet.
Please write soon.
                            Love Ralph.
I sent some pictures to Luella
for you. They are of our church
services. You can see most of us
just quit work and went to the

The next letter will be posted on June 7th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Ralph mentioned most of his brothers in this letter. Freeman was the youngest (born June 10, 1925) so he was 18 when this was written. Harley (born Dec. 24, 1922) would have been 21, and Glenn (born Dec. 19, 1916) would have been 27.
  • Glenn and Audrey's upcoming wedding was scheduled for June 16th.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 24, 1944

Ralph sent this card (no letter enclosed) to his mother.

The next letter will be posted on May 28th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Ralph's mother was Bessie Louise Chulip Brown. She was born on June 12, 1882.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

England May 21, 1944.

Dear Mother,
      Luella have written me and
told me about your illness. I
hope by the time you receive this
letter everything will be ok again.
     I have four letters from Luella
this week. I will have to get
busy and write to her. Gee it
keeps my busy in writing
     I received two copies of the
Record and also the Advance.
So now I have a little reading
material on hand.
     Mother, I can't tell you where
I am located at. But I know if
you knew where I was you
wouldn't have to worry about me.

     I don't want you to worry about
where I am. I know it would just
make your sickness worse. But
it is safe where I am.
     Received a birthday card from
Cliff's this past week. Gee I am
getting old.
     Luella sent me some pictures of
her kids. Gosh how they have
grown. I have been away so long
now. I can sure see a big change
in them. Especially the little
man called Bill. Gosh what a
     I had a letter from Donna Staup
today. I must answer it also. I bet
her and Ruth have grown and
changed a lot. Gosh I really can't
imagine how everyone will look
when I get home again.

     There really isn't much news
to write about from over here. I
was at our services again today.
The chaplain had a very nice
sermon today. I try to go every
     Well mother, hurry up and get
well. I always like to have your
letters. Goodnight for now.
                          Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on May 24th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Luella was Ralph's only sister (born Oct. 23, 1914). She married Myrl Spalding on May 25, 1935. They had three children: Richard (Dick) born June 9, 1936, Myrlene born May 10, 1941, and William (Bill) born Sept. 26, 1942.
  • Cliff was one of Ralph's older brothers (born Oct. 19, 1912). He married Marie David on July 15, 1939. One of their three daughters had been born when the letter was written: Donna born Oct. 7, 1942.
  • Ralph's birthdate was May 30, 1919.
  • Here are some photos of Ralph's nieces & nephews (and friends' children??):
Only information I have is that this was taken in May 1944.
This photo reads "at Myrlene's birthday party)"
Charles - (Virginia & Ken's boy)
Donna Jean (Cliff & Marie's oldest daughter)
Connie Jo (Mary's baby)
Myrlene & Billy
Marilyn Beth Hydal
Alice, Mary & Marie 
This photo reads "This was taken Sept. on Billy's birthday."
There was no date and no one was identified, but clearly it is Ralph's mother.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

England. May 14, 1944.

Dear Mother,
        Sunday night and Mother's
Day is nearly over. I will write
my greetings to you now. I hope
you had a very enjoyable
holiday. I guess they don't celebrate
Mother's day here in England very
much. I couldn't even find any
mother's day cards. I know you
will understand why there is
no greeting card from me.
        This morning our chapel
was full. The chaplain had a
very good message. I know
every fellows minds were
right there in thought of there
mother. I know mine was. It
is hard to realize that just

about now, as I have my days
work done and will be getting
ready for bed in a few short hours
you folks back home are just
setting down to eat your dinner.
Are the rest of the kids home
with you today?
        I received two letters from
you this pass week so will
try to answer your questions now.
Did you see Mrs. Setzler when
you were at her house? Irene
says she is working in Toledo
now. Thanks an awlful lot for
getting Irene something for me.
       What is wrong with Evelyn's
little boy? There must be a letter
missing because I didn't know
there was anything wrong with
him. I think there is at least

one letter missing yet. Irene's
letters aren't all here yet either. She
numbers hers so I know when one
is missing.
        As you said, Time is passing
fast. It most certainly is. I can
hardly keep up on the days anymore
at all. We have been haveing some
grand days lately. Last night we
had a thunderstorm and a nice
rain. They needed the rain too.
       I am glad you were able to
see the picture "This Is The Army".
I saw the movie and also the
stage play. I enjoyed both of them.
Now you will realize some of
the things we go through. But
they just showed the bright side
of the army life. How did the
shower for Audrey turn out?

I hope you have sent my shirts
by now. It is rather warm
wearing OD shirts.
       I am sorry to hear about Mrs.
Martin. I guess things will be
changed a lot by the time I get home.
There will be a lot of the folks
gone and a lot of the kids will
be so grown I won't know them.
       I guess this will be about all
for this letter. Goodnight mother
I hope you had a very enjoyable
                        Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on May 21st.

Background Information (and comments):

Sunday, May 7, 2017

England. May 7, 1944.

Dear Mother,
         Sunday again has rolled
around and time again for me
to have a few minutes of visit
with you. I didn't receive any
mail from you this past week.
I received a package of cookies
from Irene and a box of stationery
from Irma.
        How is the weather at home
now? We have been haveing an
awlful cold wind lately. It looks
like it will warm up now.
It was nice out today.
        Irene and Irma have moved
into an apartment in Toledo now.
I guess they figured it would
be just as cheap to have a

place of there own. I don't know
what was wrong when they wee
staying at Erwin's, but I guess
it wasn't much.
        Their address now is 1604
Collingwood Ave. Concord Apts. 3.
The week has gone by so fast.
I hardly can remember what day
it is anymore. I didn't think
of it being Sunday until almost
dinner time and then it was
to late for church.
        I was in London during the
past week. The parks there are
very pretty now. One would never
think that a war was so close
when you see the trees all leafing
out again. But then you don't
have to go far before you are
face to face with it again.

     I hope the rest of the folks will
understand why I am not doing
much writing. It is short of time
and also nothing to write about.
I guess I will have to call
this a letter for tonight. Please
write soon and often. I know
you have news to write about.
Goodnight. Don't worry about
                           Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on May 14th.

Background Information (and comments):
  • I could not find any information about the 1604 address or Concord Apts., but I did find these 2 homes which were on Collingwood. I'm guessing 1604 was demolished for the freeway (see description below). Here is one website with pages of photos from the Old West End:
  • The Audrey Hixenbaugh home at 1618 Collingwood probably stood in the path of the freeway.  James McCracken lived here according to the 1912 city directory.  The property had been listed as "vacant" in the 1911 directory.

  • The 1910 George Witker Home, 2823 Collingwood Avenue at Collins Street, appeared in the background of this 1940s photograph.  Mr. Witker was the secretary of the Paddock Merchandise Company that year.   He still lived here in 1912.  The 1918 Polk City Directory lsited Burton Gamble of the Gamble Motor Car Company located at 2143-45 Madison Avenue, as the resident.  The 1929 directory listed Joseph Kornfeld, the rabbi of the Collingwood Avenue Temple and his wife Josephine Kronfeld.   Norm Annis provided this photo.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Complete letter from Sept. 5, 1943

Dear Mother & all,
     I received your letter of Aug.
24th yesterday. It was a very nice
letter and I enjoyed it very much.
The newspaper clippings came
through ok. I sure would like
to receive either the Metamora
paper or the Blissfield paper. I
would like to know where a lot
of the fellows are and what they
are doing.
     You asked me about my
A P O address. Inform all of them
at home and around there my
correct A P O number is 635
     Yes the country side over
here is really clean and
neat. Most of the roads are

narrow and have hedges along
both sides. They wind around
hills and are rolling and a lot
of curves. It really is a pretty
     Lots of houses have thatch
roofs and all of them are of stone
or brick. They all have a lot
of chimneys and I guess most
of there heating is done by
fireplaces. Some have electricity
but you can't see any lights anyway
on account of the blackouts.
     Yes we have a few fresh
vegatables for our meals. Most
of our meals are good meals.
I could really use some of
those nice fresh eggs. Ours
are all powdered eggs and I really
get tired of them. We have fresh

meats and our cooks have improved
a lot.
     I was at a Sunday service
again while we were working. I
sure will be glad to get back
to the church again.
     Goodbye for now. Please
write often. I really enjoy all
the letters I receive. Tell all
hello for me. Goodbye.
                            Love Ralph.

Background Information (and comments):

  • I posted just the first page of this letter on Sept. 5, 2016 and noted that the rest of the letter was missing. I found the last 2 pages stuck in with the letters written in April. I thought his description of the area was interesting, so I re-posted the entire letter.

Monday, May 1, 2017

England May 1, 1944

Dear Mother,
        Just a day late in writing
this letter to you but I know you
will understand under what conditions
it is delayed.
        I had two from you last we
one of the 12 and 18th. I received the
one of the 18th first only took it six
days. I would call that bad at all.
        In that one letter with the
handkerchief that was all I had
in it. I am glad I sent it. Now
Luella wants one. Maybe I will be
able to find her one. Then suppose
Lenore and Marie would also like

one. They are rather expensive
here too.
        I guess Harley and I are the
ones that is getting around in our
family. I have seen enough of this
world already. I will be perfectly
satisfied to come home and settle
down. Is Fred Southward in the
        I may be able to take some
pictures here soon. I have two
rolls of film and have borrowed
a camera. So maybe I can send
some home.
        I guess you have been haveing
some strange weather. It is really
grand here now. I go around in

my shirt sleeves while at work.
Everything is so nice and green
over here. It gives me spring
fever. Last night I was rather
blue. It was five years ago yesterday
that I met Irene. Gosh time does
certainly go fast. Although it seem
longer than that since I have been
    I am glad that you liked the pictures.
The one I sent Irene arrived ok
to. Irene said I must have gained
some. I only weigh fourteen stone
now. 196 lbs. I have lost around
twenty pounds, but maybe my
face doesn't show it. I am trading
in my coat for a smaller one.

    You know I forgot all about
Dad's birthday. I guess there is to
much to think about over here.
I was thinking just the other night
that it must seem strange to you
to keep that big house and just
three of you there. Gosh you know
it is quite a while since I was there
steady. I can't hardly imagine such
a small family now.
    It is a strange thing Marie
sent the same post of the blade to
me. It was the first one I have
received. I guess Irene and Irma
are going to move into Toledo in
a small apartment by themselves.
I don't know what is wrong

but I have a good idea. Maybe
it is for the best.
    Mother, if any one complains
about my not writing. I really
haven't a thing to write about.
Goodnight for now.
                              Love Ralph.

The dates for the next 2 posts will be May 5th and May 7th.
The post on May 5th will be a re-post of a letter from Sept. 5, 1943 as I recently found the rest of the pages of that letter.

Background Information (and comments):

  • I believe Fred Southward was Ralph's cousin.
  • Ralph's reference to the blade is the Toledo Blade newspaper. 
  • William Stephen Brown (Ralph's dad) was born on April 18, 1880, making him 64 years old when Ralph wrote this letter.
  • I am re-posting pictures with some information about the homestead as I recently drove by and snapped some photos.

The original owner of the house was Henry Chulip. He was the father of Bessie Chulip (Ralph's mother). He was born in 1842 and died in 1936.
Another view of the house and some farm buildings.
The barn was built in 1913.