Sunday, February 19, 2017

Feb. 19, 1944

Dear Mother,
     Just a short letter to you tonight. The last
letter I have had from you was dated Jan. 31.
How is everything at home now? I hear from
Irene occasionally. All the mail seems to be slow
in comeing through. I wrote to Luella last night
and also Irene. I most usually write every night
to Irene if I have time. They are keeping us busy
as usual.
     I haven't been to London for some time now.
I don't know if I will go much more or not. It
is about the same thing everytime. Once you have
seen the places it is just like knowing your
home town. I can get around in London about like
I know Toledo now. If the fires in Toledo don't
stop it will look about as bad as London.
     I must try to find time to write to Pearl Myers
again. It seems as if we are up most of the time
over here. It will be nice to sleep without being
disturbed. Goodnight and please write often.
                                                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on Feb. 20th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • The letter was short as it was a v-mail.
  • Here is what I found for sites with information about fires in Toledo in 1944.

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