Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March 9, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Well here it is Tuesday morning. I didn't
get a chance to write Sunday. I went into town
around noon Sunday and then went to the zoo.
Another fellow and I was together. We ran
into a couple of girls I met at Duncan Field
and we started to take pictures of the zoo. They
had seven rolls of film and we took them
up. There brothers were with them. One
was about Dickie's age. Gosh it seemed good
to be around kids again. It takes your
mind off of all this army stuff for awhile.
          We are haveing typical March weather
here this morning. One day it is nice and
warm and the next day it is cloudy cold
and the wind blows a gale. Today it looks
as if it could rain any minute. We have had

just one good hard shower since I have been
down here.
          Yesterday I got a box of cookies from Marie.
Gee was I surprise to get them. She never
mentioned them in her letter. I guess I will have
to write a letter this week to all of them back
home. Gosh there is so many to write to. I
hardly know what to write about.
          There may be a possibilty of my comeing to
Dayton Ohio for a couple of weeks to school on
the Areoprop. If I do I will try to get home
one week end while I am there. I do know
whom they will send. If they send anyone I hope
it will be me.
          The furloughs have been opened up again.
They say that everyone will receive a furlough.
Of course, those that have had them will have
to wait till all have had there's. Maybe I will
get home around May or June. They are only
giving 7 days and traveling time. I hope that
I will be able to get a furlough then, but that
is another thing a person can't count to much
on. Have Harley take a picture of his car
and send it to me. I would like to see what
kind of a car he has. I bet he enjoys it a
lot. Has it a radio and heater in it?

          Well there isn't so much more to write
about now. Irene said Roger Russel was home
on an 8 day leave. Him and Bessie Herky was
down to see Irma and Irene the other night.
I sure wish I could drop in and surprise
all of you. Don't know what the score is anymore
down here. All the rumors of moving out of here
has ceased. Next week we start the day
shift in the shops. Have been on the lines
here at night for 10 weeks. It will seem
good to be able to get out nights again.
Well I guess this will be all for now.
So long for this time. Write soon and
                                    Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on March 12th.

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