Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Well here it is the first day of
spring. It is rather cool and quite windy
here today, but otherwise it is a swell
day. No clouds to be seen. I went to
church this morning. We had a nice
service and next Sunday our new
chapel will be dedicated. I hope I will
be able to go to that.
          What have you been doing lately?
I have been rather busy here all
week. We have quite a few big bombers
in for repair. I have been on the rifle
range Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday
afternoon. I had a physical overseas
exam. I guess this is just to find out
how many men in the outfit are fit
to go across if we ever do. Quite a
few are home on furloughs now and
more leaving next week. They get

seven days at home and traveling time.
They would allow me two days comeing and
two going and 7 days at home. Maybe I
will be able to get a furlough in May
or June. I am going to try for one around
my birthday. I haven't heard from any
of the kids this week. Only Irene and
I hear from her everyday. She said
she wrote a letter to you the other day.
          My barracks won the barracks
inspection so we don't have to answer
revilles in the mornings for a week. One
half hour longer to lay to bed. Well
I guess this is all for now. I got your
letter last Wednesday. So long for now write
soon. Thanks for the money.
                                       Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on March 28th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Ralph's birthday was May 30th. He was born in 1919.
  • Just out of curiosity, I looked up the date of Easter in 1943. It fell on April 25th, which is the latest date it can be. It hasn't fallen on April 25th since 1943; the closest in my lifetime was in 2011 when it was on April 24th. 

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