Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 12, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Received your letter today so I will
be prompt in answering it. We are in the
shops now. We don't have any work to do
so I thought this would be a good time to
write a letter.
          You talk about your cold weather at
home. Today here in the barracks the
thermometer was 82 and outside in the sun
it was really hot. Tonight there is a
good breeze and it has cooled off a lot.
          Beginning today, and every Friday is
gas alert day. Everyone at the post has to
carry his gas mask with him. This morning
about 10 o'clock they set off a screening
smoke. You couldn't see from one barracks
to another. Boy it was sure dense. Then
a jeep drove around and they used tear
gas. Everybody was glad to have his
mask on. I got your letter today and one
from Irene. Luella's letter came yesterday.

          Has the sugar factory finished up this
year yet? I have been wondering if they got all
the beets through. They really had a cold
winter to run the beets through in. I can
imagine how they sliced after being frozen
all winter.
          I hope you get over your cold and get to
feeling a little better. Quite a few fellows are
hearing from home that everybody has had
bad colds. I guess it is because out east
they can't get fuel to keep warm. I suppose
when spring does come it will turn just
as sudden as the winter did.
          I was issued my dog tags today. The
first ones I have had since comeing into the
army. They sure get around to issueing
things in a hurry.
          Well there isn't much more to write
so will close for tonight. Write soon. I don't
have much news.
                                         Love  Ralph.

The next letter will be posted March 17th.

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