Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Patterson Field Oct. 14, 1942

Dear Mother,
          Well here it is Wednesday. I
have some spare time so will drop
you a few lines. I suppose you are
home again by now. I got back Monday
morning to the field at 7:00 oclock. Fortunately
a new ruling has gone into effect having
roll call at 7:30 instead of at six. I wasn't
late this way.
          I have been working in the supply
room moving out the equipment of the
56th. We have been changed into the 30th.
My address now is
     30th A.D.G. Detachment
     Repair Section. Brk. A.
     Patterson Field
     Fairfield, Ohio
You can tell the rest of them my
change of address if you see them before
I write to them. I am charge of quarters
helper today so I have plenty of time
to write letters. I was over and signed
up this morning for engine school.
I guess we start Monday. I hope so
it will be a lot better than drilling all
the time.
          We have had two nice days here
this week. Today it is rather cloudy and
looks as if it wanted to rain. I hope not.

I don't like it in an army camp when
it rains. You have to be outside in it
anyway. They say it toughens you to it.
          I am going to try for a pass this
weekend again. I don't know if I can
make it or not. But there is no harm in
trying. If I do I will call you up from
Sylvania so Glenn can bring my car
there. Irene and I would like to go to
a dance if I get home this weekend.
It has been so long since we have been
to one.
          Well I can't think of anymore to say
so I guess I will have to close for now.
I hope to get some letters today. I haven't
received any letters yet this week. It gets
lonesome when you don't receive any.
Goodbye for now. I hope I see
you again this weekend. So long for
                                  Love.   Ralph.

Background Information (and comments):

  • I am fairly certain that the letter I posted as October 12 was actually written on October 19 (due to the change of his address and his mention about starting school on Monday).  It would also be the only letter for that week as the next letter was not written until October 28.
  • A.D.G. is short for Air Depot Group. There appears to be some interesting websites connected to the 30th, which I will be researching in hopes of filling in the gaps.
  • The distance between his family home (where his brother Glenn lived) and Sylvania, Ohio is approximately 13 miles.
The next letter will be posted on October 28th.

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