Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Patterson Field Fairfield, Ohio Oct. 7, 1942

Dear Mother,
        Well I finally got around to start
a letter to you. I was so busy last
week at the horse show in Cincinati
that I didn't have much time to write.
          The horse show went over swell.
We had a grand crowd everyday and
night it was held. We thought it would
rain Sunday. In the morning it misted
most of the morning. About noon it cleared
off and was a swell day. I was on K.P.
Sunday. We really had a swell dinner
that day. There was a crowd of about
10,000 at the horse show. They all visited
through our camp. Our camp was set up
just as it would be in any field camping.
It was rather fun to camp out. It got us
out of the routine for a while.
          We had to do guard duty and usher
during the horse show. They had some
grand horses at the show. Chads had some
of there horses here. They were all riding
horses at this show.
          We got back here last night about
six o'clock everybody was plenty tired so
everyone hit the hay earlier. I wrote Irene
a letter last night and called her up. She
wants to know if I will be able to get a
weekend pass home this week. I don't

think so. There is an order out now that
no more passes or furloughs to be issued
this week, and there is a rumor that we
are leaving for Texas. Gosh I would like
to go, but I also would like to get home
before we do go if it is true. Well we
are in the army and they do all our
planning for us so it makes no difference
to us. I have seen a lot of pretty country
since I have been in the army. I just love
to travel anyway. You know that. This gives
me free transportation. Some of the fellows
that came in with me left for Utah last night.
          Well I must write to about everyone.
Hope to hear from you soon. How is
everybody. I hope I can get home soon.
Well so long for now. I will write more
next time.

                                     Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on October 12th.

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