Monday, October 12, 2015

Patterson Field Fairfield, Ohio October 12(?), 1942

Dear Mother,
            Here it is Monday. It looks as
if it really will be a grand day out.
What did you do over Sunday? I asked
for a weekend pass but having one
last week I couldn't hardly expect one this
weekend. How is Luella and Marie?
We just signed the payroll this
morning. They are still calling off 
names so I was in the front of the 
line and I have already signed. Can't
do anything until everybody has signed.
          Yesterday myself and another fellow
were going to church. I went to Dayton 
Saturday night to the show so when
we decided to go to church Sunday we
didn't wake up in time Sunday morning.
We don't have to get up on Sunday
mornings here so everybody layed in.
          There are only 24 in the barracks
I am in. We have capicity for 80 men 
so you can see there aren't so many of us.
They sent a lot of fellows to Florida, Ind.
and Texas. I suppose we will stay here.

We are supposed to start school this
morning, but I guess the payroll signing
has halted that again. I don't suppose
it will stop it thou for this week.
          Yesterday in the mess halls all
soldiers guests can eat here anytime
they have visitors. I wish you could
come down some Sunday for a visit
with me. I know it is a long ways
and would be asking to much. You would
enjoy visiting an army camp though.
They really had a meal yesterday.
Chicken, mash potatoes, gravy, celery,
lettuce, radishes, pickles, brussel sprouts
rice & chicken soup, peaches, cake and
ice cream. It really was a good
          It really was quite lonesome today
yesterday not being able to be home,
but afterall we can't do anything about
it. I suppose you kinda looked for me.
I told Irene I would be lucky if I got
another pass so I don't know if she expected
me or not.
          Well I guess this is all for now. I will
sign off and call it a letter. So long
for now.
                               Love  Ralph.

Background Information & Comments:

  • This letter is most likely out of sequence. Ralph has put the date on every letter so far, except this one where he just wrote "Monday morning". Unfortunately, the postmark had been cut off the envelope, too.
  • The distance between Ralph's parents home (near Blissfield MI) and Fairfield OH is approximately 210 miles.
The next letter will be posted on October 14th.


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