Friday, January 12, 2018

France. Jan. 12, 1945

Dear Freeman,
           A cold night here in France. We have about
six inches of snow on the ground now. It is the
most snow I have seen since I was home
last, and that was over two years ago. It
is plenty cold tonight also. It might get down
to zero by morning and I am sleeping in a tent
yet, but we have it winterized and only 16 feet
square so there isn't much room to warm.
         From what I hear on the radio and read
in the stars and stripes I guess you have been
haveing a real winter at home also. I hope
Harley is haveing a warm place to stay. I had
a letter from him and he said he was staying
with a family in Luxenburg now. I guess every-
thing is getting back to normal up there again.
        I have been to the movie tonight. It
was Shine on Harvest Moon. It was a swell
movie. We have them here three nights a
week. I haven't been off of the post for almost

two months now. So I am saveing plenty of money.
All I spend here is for rations and haveing my
laundry done. I hope I will be able to go into
Paris soon again.
         The last few days we have been taking
plenty of pictures around here. We have had
snow ball fights and everything. Some fellows with
us are seeing snow for their first time.
       Well I can't think of much more to write
about for tonight. I never go anywhere so nothing
to write about. So long for now. I hope I will get
some mail soon. It is rather slow in comeing
through. Write soon.
                                           Your brother

The next letter will be posted on January 14th.

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