Sunday, December 31, 2017

France. Dec. 31, 1944.

Dear Mother & all,
         1944 will soon be a year of the past. In
fact in just about two hours time 1944 will be
history. It has been a year of excitement, sorrow,
and many incidences that will be with me
for many years to come. It has been a year that
the good old U.S never saw me. England the first
part and France the last. Last year all of us had
confidence that the US would see us in 44. Now
no one knows what forty-five holds for us.
     My mail has been very slow lately. Had a
Vmail from Lenore and Marie and an airmail from
Freeman of the 19th. No letters from you for over
three weeks now.
       Guy Lombardo's orchestra is one the radio
now. Gosh how I wish I was back in the good
of [sic] U.S to a dance this beautiful moonlit new
Years Eve. It would certainly be grand again. Three
years now since I have really celebrated a New
Year's Eve. We haven't had any passes now for

better then two weeks. It sure is getting to be a
lonesome dull life here in camp.
     I suppose all the rest of the kids are haveing
parties tonight and are looking forward to seeing the
old year out and the new year in. I might be in bed
before that time. I don't know just yet if I can stay awake
that long or not.
     The news tonight sounds much better, and they
said Hitler is makeing a speech to the German people
at 12:05 midnight tonight. Hope he says they have
had enough. I think this is his last try. I hope
     When did your hear from Harley last? When you
write to him tell him to write me a little oftener
to me if he can find time. I sure would like to
hear from him.
     Here's hopeing to see the new year of 1945 bring us
peace and most of the soldiers back to the good old
US again. I am sending a church bulletin. It has a
look into the future in it. Goodnight for now. My
last letter of 44.
                                             Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on January 7th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Unfortunately, the church bulletin was not kept in the envelope with this letter.
  • If you're not familiar with Guy Lombardo, here's some information:

Gaetano Alberto "GuyLombardo (June 19, 1902 – November 5, 1977) was a Canadian-American bandleader and violinist of Italian descent.
He formed the Royal Canadians in 1924 with his brothers CarmenLebert, and Victor, and other musicians from his hometown. They billed themselves as creating "the sweetest music this side of Heaven". The Lombardos are believed to have sold between 100 and 300 million records during their lifetimes,[1] many featuring the band's lead singer, Kenny Gardner.
Lombardo is remembered for almost a half-century of New Year's Eve big band remotes, first on radio, then on television. His orchestra played at the Roosevelt Grill in the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City from 1929 ("radio's first nationwide New Year's eve broadcast")[3] to 1959, and from then until 1976 at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Live broadcasts (and later telecasts) of their performances were a large part of New Year's celebrations across North America; millions of people watched the show with friends at house parties. Because of this popularity, Lombardo was called "Mr. New Year's Eve".
  • Hitler did make a speech. It's quite long. There are YouTube versions or you can read it at this site:

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