Monday, November 7, 2016

England Nov. 7, 1943.

Dear Mother,
         Sunday afternoon in the E.T.O.
I believe today is one of the
prettiest days I have seen in
England. It is a little windy and
cold but real clear. It reminds
me of a nice fall day at home.
   Our working schedule has
been changed and during the afternoon
we haven't much work. I have
just finished a nice Sunday dinner
so will write you a few lines.
      I have been receiving quite a
few letters from Irene this week.
She said in one of them she had
a letter from Luella, asking her
over to spend a weekend. I think
this is the weekend. Gee I sure

would like to drop in and spend
a weekend at home again.
       Mother, I wish I could really
tell you all I wanted to. But it
is impossible to write at this
time. I wish I could explain just
what I can hear and explain how
things look here in England. No
doubt you will be reading it in
the papers a few day from now.
        Many times during my stay
here I have thought about my
school days. The studying of wars
and little did I realize at that
time that I myself would take
part in one. I guess one never
knows what lies ahead of them.
    I attended church services
this morning. It was a real
nice sermon. I believe you

would enjoy hearing our chaplin
speak. He can really get a
sermon out.
      What are you planning on doing
today? Well I can't think of much
more to write about now. I guess
I will wait and finish this
after mail call. I may have
some letters today.
        Well I didn't receive any
letters today but we stepped
out this afternoon. All of the fellows
in my hut chipped in and we
bought a chicken this afternoon.
We fried it in our hut and
ate it. Gee was it ever good.
We haven't had chicken since
we have been here. They don't
seem to have many chickens
in England. We had to pay

a pound and ten shilling for
it. In our money that would
be six dollars. But to us in
the money it is just a good
meal and lots of fun.
      It really is a beautiful night
here. I wish I was home though.
Well this is about all for
now. I must write to Irene
yet tonight. I hope you got
her present ok. Take it over
to her folks just before Christmas,
put a nice card in it from
me.     Goodbye for now.
                          Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on Nov. 14th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • E.T.O. refers to the European Theater of Operations.
  • I could not find information about what was happening in England to explain why Ralph wrote "I wish I could explain just what I can hear and explain how things look here in England. No doubt you will be reading it in the papers a few day from now."

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