Tuesday, November 15, 2016

England. Nov. 21, 1943.

Dear Mother,
       Well another week has come
and gone. Gee time really flies
fast for me here. I have been
in London again. Next week I
am going on a furlough.
     Nothing very exciting ever
happens around here. I have
seen snow this season already.
It seemed good to see it again.
Our Christmas packages have
been arriving and have received
a few more. Got one from
Luella and some of Ruth King's
stuff was in it.
      Have received quite a few
letters this last week. It sure
seems good to hear from everyone
back home. It keeps me busy
answering letters, but I am

running out of things to write
about. I guess I have seen
about all of England from where
I am into London.
       It really doesn't seem like
we have very much day light
here anymore.
     Gee I don't know what to
write about anymore. I have
received Luella's letter telling
about Irene's visit, but none
from Irene telling me about her
visit at Luella's.
     I am glad you found a present
for Irene. No I haven't told her
what you got for her. I have
told her I was having you get
a present, because I can't get
anything over here for Christmas
at all.
      Have you sent me my
flashlight yet? If you haven't
try to send it or send me

a new one. We need them
to get around over here. It is
dark for breakfast and supper
both now.
      I guess this is about all
for tonight. Please write soon
and often. How is the drilling
comeing now? Wish I was back
there. So long for now.
                          Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on Nov. 29th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • This letter was written on Nov. 21st and postmarked on the 25th. In the envelope I also found the V-mail pictured here. However, I have no idea if it was sent with this letter or separately

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