Sunday, July 3, 2016

July 3, 1943

Dear Mother,
          How are you today? Is the
heat still got you down? It has been
a little cooler here today. It rained
a little last night and there is a
good breeze blowing now.
          Well mother I don't have much
to write about now. This is the last
letter I will write in Texas. So
please don't send anymore mail
here. As soon as you receive my
new address start the mail to
it. Tell the rest of them my
address so they can write to me.
Gee it is hard to write anything.
I don't know of a thing to write
about. There is a lot to write but
I can't write it. It makes it hard to write.

So I suppose you will have to
have a short letter from me for
this time. Please don't worry about
me. I will be alright. I will write
as soon as I can. I sent another
bunch of my letters and a hat home.
Put them away and maybe in a few
months I will be there to take care
of them. Goodbye for now.
                                  Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on July 9th.

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