Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 26, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Just a short letter to let you know
nothing new has yet developed. I don't know
what will be in store for us now. We are
still here at the field. This is about the
only morning we haven't been busy yet.
I was busy Sunday morning so I missed
church. We have been working night and
day lately.
          Well mother I have a new title now.
I have been promoted to Sargent. Everyone
has been writing and asking me what I
want for my birthday. I really don't know
what I will be able to have. As you probably
know or will know I have sent home most
everything I don't need or can't take with me.
I had to send it collect because there was
a truck taking all of the stuff into town.
          I have to go to work now. So will write
more later on in the day. It has been cool
here this morning and is rather cloudy yet.

          Well it is almost time for retreat. I have
been cutting stencils for barrack bags today. This
noon there was an outfit left the field. It was
a nice send off they gave them. One more
and then maybe us.
          I just finished sewing on a pair of Sgt.
stripes. This will mean $78 a month. I will
or can increase my alloment now.
          Well this will be about all for this letter.
We have a big inspection tomorrow. So long
for now and write soon. Advise the others
of my promotion.
                                     Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on May 31st.

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