Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 12, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Well here it is another hot day
and it is hot in more than one way.
Yesterday our outfit went on the alert.
We will be pulled off the line work in
a day or two. All furloughs and leaves
have been cancelled. So I guess my
plans have been blown sky high. I don't
know how long we will be at this field
or anything about it. There is 3 outfits
here at the field ready to pull out. But the
orders could be changed so quickly we
would leave here before the other outfits.
          Last night for supper we had corn
on the cob and fresh strawberries. We
have been haveing fair meals lately again.
So I guess we can't complain on any of the
food. I will be sending home my personal
belongings soon. I have a lot of letters and
a few pieces of clothing. A garrison cap and
a few pieces of junk. All we are allowed

is G.I. equipment. I have been expecting these
orders for sometime. I will keep writing to you
as long as I am allowed to. I don't think they
will stop our writing letters.
          Well this is about all I can say now. We
may just move to another field. If we do furloughs
me be given out again but I doubt it very
much. So long for now. The news of our
being on the alert should not be spread to
far. But I don't think it would harm anything
no shipping date has been set. We had passport
pictures taken last night. Goodbye for now.
                                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on May 16th.


  • On May 12, 1943, during World War II, Axis forces in North Africa surrendered.
  • 1943 Tunisia World War II 12th May 1943 : Allied Armies completed the conquest of Tunisia in North Africa as a base for invasion of Southern Europe capturing some 150,000 prisoners, 1000 guns and 250 tanks. The two generals commanding this part of the war in North Africa General Eisenhower and General Alexander said the conquest of North Africa is now complete. 

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