Monday, April 18, 2016

Sunday Morning April 18, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Here it is Sunday again and
time to write a letter to you again.
It is really a beautiful morning
here. There isn't a cloud in the
sky this morning. We had one
of the prettiest sunrises I have
seen in Texas yet. It is a real
grand day out. We slept last
night with the windows and
doors wide open. So you can
imagine how warm it is here
in Texas.
          I figure on going to church this
morning. Our water here in
camp has been turned off and
I am not shaved or cleaned up.
I hope it does come on so I can

cleaned up so I can go to church. It
is palm Sunday and I would like
to go.
          We have been rather busy
all week working on the lines
here. We have quite a few big
bombers here and they all have
to be checked over. So I guess we
will be working on bombers when
we get across. All our officers
have gone to school for 5 weeks
so I imagine soon after they get
back we will be put on the alet
alert. After we go on that we will
be restricted to the field and then
no one knows when. There is
an outfit here now has been
on the alert and was ready to
move out and the orders were
changed so now no one knows
when they are leaving. The army
can really mix a man up.

          Are you planning on having
your big Easter dinner this coming
Sun? Irene said she thought
they would spend Easter at
home. I can't remember if I had
to work last Easter or not. Things
have changed so fast for me since
          I wish I had my camera back
here so I could take a few pictures
again. But I guess we aren't
allowed them on the field. When
I get time I have a big box of
letters to send home, also my
garrison cap and belt. I might
as well get rid of these now
because I will have to
later on.
          Well I can't think of much

more to write about just now. So I
guess I will have to ly  lay
around until mail call and wait
for the water to come back on.
One of the big water lines broke
where it comes into the post.
I will write more later on if
I go to church.
          Well the water come came
back on and I finally made
it to church. We had a nice
sermon this Sunday also.
I went to town this afternoon
and out to the ball game. Stinson
Field vs. San Antonio Aviation
Cadets. We won 10-9. It was
a grand day here today. I enjoyed
my afternoon very much.
          For Irene's birthday I telegraphed
a dozen Roses to her. I bet she
will be surprised to get them.
I hope they last until Easter.

          I got a letter from Irene
and Luella today. I will try
to write to Luella, Marie, and
Lenore tomorrow night. It
seems as if I never have any
time to write anymore. I guess
they have to more lined up
for us.
          Well this is all for tonight.
Your one letter you wrote with
Ilenes address in it I didn't
receive until this last Thursday
it had been missent to Boham
Texas. I got both the same
day. Goodnight for now. Hope
I will get home soon.
                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on April 22nd.

Background Information (and comments):

  • The poem on the back of the bulletin was written by Martha E. Baird.

Martha Baird

Poet Details

  • Martha Baird was a poet, editor, author, and musicologist. Born in Dodge City, Kansas, Baird earned a BA from the State University of Iowa. After working for WGN radio in Chicago, Baird moved to New York, where she joined the American Guild of Variety Artists and studied the aesthetic realism movement with founder Eli Siegel, whom she later married. 

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