Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25, 1943 (Easter Sunday)

Dear Mother,
          Well here it is Easter Sunday and
I will write you while I am waiting
to go to church. It is 8:45 A.M. now.
Church starts at 11:15. The 16th and 28th
have services first and then the post
chaplain has services for all the rest
of the outfits on the field.
          I received this stationery from
Luella this week. It came in handy
I was getting rather low on money.
To many trips and Irene's birthday
took a little. I received a letter from
her yesterday and she said she received
seven birthday cards and almost all of
them had a letter in them. I hope
she does come over there today but
I kinda doubt if she will. She told
me if she went it would make her
want me there and she was afraid
she would get a case of blues. I try
to get her to go over but I guess I can't

persuade her to go. Irene says she might
have a vacation in the latter part of May
or early June. She is going to try and come
down here and by that time I will be
able to get a furlough, I hope. Most of the
fellows whom haven't had one will
all have had one by that time. Then
I hope they will start over on them
          I don't know hardly what to write
about this morning. It looks as if it will
be a nice warm day here today. We
have been haveing some real hot ones
lately. I found out you really burn
in this sun down here. You don't
have to be exposed over and hour
and then you had better start finding
cover if you don't you really get a
nice sunburn. I had one about 2
weeks ago and yesterday I got another
one. When wearing a hat all the time
you can see right where it comes on
your head. I have a G.I. haircut and
I sit in the sun without my hat so I can get an
even tan all over my face and head.
I am going to do the same today again.

This afternoon I am going to go over to
the atheletic field and watch the ball game.
I will pick up plenty of sun there.
          Was you surprised to hear I made
corporal? I should have had it before this
the way a lot of fellows have been
getting the stripes. But may I will get
up to the top afterwhile. It may be
slow but sure. We have been doing
a lot of work lately on the lines. There
is a rumor and a good one that there
are some real big ships coming in.
We have quite a few big ones now.
          Well I can't think of much more just
now. I will write more after church. I
have the programs of our holy week services.
I will send them to you. Our communion
services were very nice. I never have
seen them carried out the way they were.
          I wish I could be able to drop in
on you this noon and surprise all of
you. I know it is impossible though.

I will be thinking of you and everybody
on this Easter day. Song So long until
I get back from church.
          Well church and dinner are over
with so now I will finish my letter.
We had very good attendance to
church this morning. I am sending
you the bulletin we had in church.
Please show it to Mr. Myer so
he will know how our Easter
Sunday Services were carried on. I
received a letter from Cliff's and one
from Irene. It is a grand day here
all the clouds have disappeared and
the sun really is boiling down.
Goodbye for now.
                            Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on May 3rd.

Background Information (and comments):

  • No Easter bulletin or programs from Holy Week were found with this letter; perhaps they were kept by Mr. Myer.

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