Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25, 1943 (Easter Sunday)

Dear Mother,
          Well here it is Easter Sunday and
I will write you while I am waiting
to go to church. It is 8:45 A.M. now.
Church starts at 11:15. The 16th and 28th
have services first and then the post
chaplain has services for all the rest
of the outfits on the field.
          I received this stationery from
Luella this week. It came in handy
I was getting rather low on money.
To many trips and Irene's birthday
took a little. I received a letter from
her yesterday and she said she received
seven birthday cards and almost all of
them had a letter in them. I hope
she does come over there today but
I kinda doubt if she will. She told
me if she went it would make her
want me there and she was afraid
she would get a case of blues. I try
to get her to go over but I guess I can't

persuade her to go. Irene says she might
have a vacation in the latter part of May
or early June. She is going to try and come
down here and by that time I will be
able to get a furlough, I hope. Most of the
fellows whom haven't had one will
all have had one by that time. Then
I hope they will start over on them
          I don't know hardly what to write
about this morning. It looks as if it will
be a nice warm day here today. We
have been haveing some real hot ones
lately. I found out you really burn
in this sun down here. You don't
have to be exposed over and hour
and then you had better start finding
cover if you don't you really get a
nice sunburn. I had one about 2
weeks ago and yesterday I got another
one. When wearing a hat all the time
you can see right where it comes on
your head. I have a G.I. haircut and
I sit in the sun without my hat so I can get an
even tan all over my face and head.
I am going to do the same today again.

This afternoon I am going to go over to
the atheletic field and watch the ball game.
I will pick up plenty of sun there.
          Was you surprised to hear I made
corporal? I should have had it before this
the way a lot of fellows have been
getting the stripes. But may I will get
up to the top afterwhile. It may be
slow but sure. We have been doing
a lot of work lately on the lines. There
is a rumor and a good one that there
are some real big ships coming in.
We have quite a few big ones now.
          Well I can't think of much more just
now. I will write more after church. I
have the programs of our holy week services.
I will send them to you. Our communion
services were very nice. I never have
seen them carried out the way they were.
          I wish I could be able to drop in
on you this noon and surprise all of
you. I know it is impossible though.

I will be thinking of you and everybody
on this Easter day. Song So long until
I get back from church.
          Well church and dinner are over
with so now I will finish my letter.
We had very good attendance to
church this morning. I am sending
you the bulletin we had in church.
Please show it to Mr. Myer so
he will know how our Easter
Sunday Services were carried on. I
received a letter from Cliff's and one
from Irene. It is a grand day here
all the clouds have disappeared and
the sun really is boiling down.
Goodbye for now.
                            Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on May 3rd.

Background Information (and comments):

  • No Easter bulletin or programs from Holy Week were found with this letter; perhaps they were kept by Mr. Myer.

Friday, April 22, 2016

April 22, 1943

Dear Mother,
          I received your letter yesterday and your
Easter card today. Also a card and letter from
Lenore. I wish I could be with you on
Easter but it is impossible. So I guess we
will just have to make the best of it.
          I received my promotion to Corporal
on the 15th but they didn't announce them
until the 20th. Today we had to have our
pictures taken at Public Relations. They send
the pictures to our home newspapers. So be
looking for it in the Toledo Blade. If it is
in there send it to me.
          What did you mean about the other
place looking queer with the house gone. Has
somebody bought it? You haven't told me
anything about it.
          I am going to go to church again tonight.
I went last night and will try to go tomorrow
night. They are haveing Holy week this week.

They have good services, but the attendance
is poor.
          It is about time to go over now so I
guess I will have to sign off for now. I hope
you have a grand time Sunday. Happy Easter
to all of you. Or as they say down here
"you all."
          Goodnight for now. Hope I will be able
to get home on a furlough soon.
                                                Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on April 25th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • The supervisors of the enlisted men were known as Non-commissioned officers (NCOs). These were corporals and sergeants who oversaw the day to day activities of the men. Generally they were the most experienced enlisted men, and at the start of the war most sergeants had many years in the Army. One of the main benefits of being an NCO was that you were excused from doing guard or fatigue details such as KP (Kitchen Police – working in the kitchen) or policing the area (cleaning up the grounds and picking up trash).  Promotion to NCO rank was officially done at regimental level (although by tradition always at the recommendation of the company commander) and announced in regimental general orders as described in Army Regulation AR 615-5 
  • US Army WWII CPL.svg

Monday, April 18, 2016

Sunday Morning April 18, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Here it is Sunday again and
time to write a letter to you again.
It is really a beautiful morning
here. There isn't a cloud in the
sky this morning. We had one
of the prettiest sunrises I have
seen in Texas yet. It is a real
grand day out. We slept last
night with the windows and
doors wide open. So you can
imagine how warm it is here
in Texas.
          I figure on going to church this
morning. Our water here in
camp has been turned off and
I am not shaved or cleaned up.
I hope it does come on so I can

cleaned up so I can go to church. It
is palm Sunday and I would like
to go.
          We have been rather busy
all week working on the lines
here. We have quite a few big
bombers here and they all have
to be checked over. So I guess we
will be working on bombers when
we get across. All our officers
have gone to school for 5 weeks
so I imagine soon after they get
back we will be put on the alet
alert. After we go on that we will
be restricted to the field and then
no one knows when. There is
an outfit here now has been
on the alert and was ready to
move out and the orders were
changed so now no one knows
when they are leaving. The army
can really mix a man up.

          Are you planning on having
your big Easter dinner this coming
Sun? Irene said she thought
they would spend Easter at
home. I can't remember if I had
to work last Easter or not. Things
have changed so fast for me since
          I wish I had my camera back
here so I could take a few pictures
again. But I guess we aren't
allowed them on the field. When
I get time I have a big box of
letters to send home, also my
garrison cap and belt. I might
as well get rid of these now
because I will have to
later on.
          Well I can't think of much

more to write about just now. So I
guess I will have to ly  lay
around until mail call and wait
for the water to come back on.
One of the big water lines broke
where it comes into the post.
I will write more later on if
I go to church.
          Well the water come came
back on and I finally made
it to church. We had a nice
sermon this Sunday also.
I went to town this afternoon
and out to the ball game. Stinson
Field vs. San Antonio Aviation
Cadets. We won 10-9. It was
a grand day here today. I enjoyed
my afternoon very much.
          For Irene's birthday I telegraphed
a dozen Roses to her. I bet she
will be surprised to get them.
I hope they last until Easter.

          I got a letter from Irene
and Luella today. I will try
to write to Luella, Marie, and
Lenore tomorrow night. It
seems as if I never have any
time to write anymore. I guess
they have to more lined up
for us.
          Well this is all for tonight.
Your one letter you wrote with
Ilenes address in it I didn't
receive until this last Thursday
it had been missent to Boham
Texas. I got both the same
day. Goodnight for now. Hope
I will get home soon.
                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on April 22nd.

Background Information (and comments):

  • The poem on the back of the bulletin was written by Martha E. Baird.

Martha Baird

Poet Details

  • Martha Baird was a poet, editor, author, and musicologist. Born in Dodge City, Kansas, Baird earned a BA from the State University of Iowa. After working for WGN radio in Chicago, Baird moved to New York, where she joined the American Guild of Variety Artists and studied the aesthetic realism movement with founder Eli Siegel, whom she later married. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Sunday April 11, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Well here it is Sunday afternoon
again and time for me to write you
a letter. I haven't received a letter
from you this last week yet.
I went to Houston Friday and
I found Ilene and her husband.
They are quite upset now. Herbert
has to leave for the army Mon.
They have a little girl born
Dec. 12. Gee she is a cute
little thing. They are so happy
about it. They were awlful
surprise to have me drop in
on them. They have a cute little
apartment they live in. I didn't
stay there overnight. They are
busy packing things and are
kinda tore up now. Saturday

afternoon they took me for a
ride through Houston. I really
is a beautiful town. Not so
many soldiers there as here
in San Antonio. It is a lot newer
town than San Antonio and there
isn't as near as Mex many
Mexicans as there is here. The
people have a more friendlier
outlook for soldiers there to.
          Ilene's folks send her the
Blissfield Advance every week.
It seemed good to see one of these
again. I got quite a bit of news
out of it that I didn't know about
before. Before I forget it. Ilene
said to tell you hello for her
and for you to tell King's
hello for her to. If Herbert
has to go into the army I guess
Ilene figures on comeing home
and living with her folks.

          We had a grand time visiting
and talking over our high school
days. There are lots of the boys
I didn't know where they were
but Ilene and Herbert knew. We
really had a grand time.
          They have a motion picture
camera and they showed me
quite a few pictures they have
taken with it. Quite a few of
them were taken when they
were home a year ago in Feb.
They have quite a few rolls
of film of the baby.
          I stayed there until almost
midnight. I would have had to
get a bus out at 8 o'clock in
the morning so I wouldn't have
seen them Sunday morning for

only a short time anyway. I took
the bus out of there at 1:30 last
night and I was in San Antonio
at 7:45 A.M.this morning.
          I had a grand trip down
there. The country is rolling and
poor from San Antonio until
you get about a hundred miles
east of San Antonio. Then from
Eagle Lake on to Houston it is
flat on more of a farming and
grazing section. They have corn
almost a foot high now. Another
place I saw them planting sugar
cane and they raise quite a
bit of rice through this section
too. You can ride for miles
and not see a house or farm
building. I saw quite a few
big cattle ranches. They have
big herds of the Burham cattle
through this part of texas.

I really enjoyed my trip down
to Houston a lot. I am glad I was
able to go. A fellow gets tired of
army life all the time and it seemed
good to get away from Camp for
a while.
          It has been quite hot here
all last week, and it is a hot
day today. Last Thursday I played
volley ball in the afternoon with
just a pair of pants on. Boy I
got a real good sunburn. My
face is all tanned good now.
I suppose I would look like a
Mexican if I came home now.
          Irene says you have been
having some more winter
up there again. Charlie Stutzman
is home on furlough. So I suppose

Irene is quite lonesome now
haveing Irma gone every night.
She says she wish I was
going to come home on a furlough
soon again. So do I. I don't
know if I will get another one
or not, but I hope so. I would
like to be home around my
          Well this is about all I can
think of for now. So I must
close and send a few more
letters out today. I haven't much
ambition to write today. It is
too hot to write. So long for
now. Hope you didn't forget to
write last week.
                    Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on April 18th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • The distance between Houston and San Antonio is approximately 200 miles. Ralph said the bus trip took about 6 hours 15 minutes.
  • Eagle Lake is about 69 miles from Houston.
  • The breed of cattle was either a Brahman (imported from India in 1854) or Brangus (developed in U.S. in 1932 as a Angus-Brahman cross).
  • Ralph wrote a lot of letters to many people, but it only cost him time as postage was free. Here are 2 recent enveloped showing the post mark and cancellation stamp.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Postcard April 10 1943

Dear Mother,
       Arrived here
at 8:30 P.M. It really
is a nice town. I
have located and
talked to them on
the telephone. Going
out tomorrow and
see them. I am staying
at a Hotel tonight.
I am rather tired from
the ride. Will write
Sun.       Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on April 11th.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Sunday Afternoon April 4, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Here it is Sunday afternoon and
time for me to write you another letter.
I received your letter and the picture of
Harley's car. Gosh I bet he really is proud
of it.
          No our chapel wasn't dedicated until
today. It was a very beautiful ceremony. There
was a grand crowd out. The chapel will seat
400 people and it was really crowded. There
were a few standing outside. The chaplain
from Fort Sam gave a wonderful talk.
          I wish you could see the chapel. It looks
like the picture on the front of the bulletin I
am sending you. It is covered with asbetsos
shingles like King's have on there house and
it has amber stained glass in the windows.
          They found an old church bell and had
that installed last week. It has a tile floor
and is finished off inside with this matching
fiber board. It has a tint of pink to it. The
choir sets in back in a choir balcony. They

have a Hammond Electric organ and the
front of the church is really pretty. The alter
is set back in and above this is a large
painting of Jesus saving the lamb. This is
lighted up all the time. They have deep
purple drapes trimed in yellow. Then out
front of the alter is a little raised platform
on each side of this are the pulpits. On the
left side of the church is the American flag
and on the right is the Christian church flag.
It was really banked in flowers this
          One of the fellows in my barracks is
being married in it Thursday. It will be the
first wedding in the chapel. Public relations
department are going to take pictures. If any
of the post papers have pictures in them I
will try to send you the pictures.
          I wished you could have been to
see and hear the dedication of the chapel. It was
really one of the best messages given at any
dedication I have ever heard.
          Have you heard them broadcasting
for the soldier that was bitten by a dog
in Pittsburg Penn? They have been giving it
on the radio about every 15 minutes.

          We have been having grand weather here
all week long. The first of April we started to
wear out sun tans. Gee it seems good to
get out of the wool clothing. I won't be able
to wear my summer cap I have at home.
They don't allow these to be worn in this
area only by officiers. We are allowed to
wear the fiber sun helmets thou. It has
really been hot here lately. It gets up around
90 here during the day. There is always a
good breeze blowing and if you can get out of the
sun it does feel kinda cool. They say this
isn't hot weather at all yet. It is hot enough
for me.
          I received a letter from Lenore this week.
I didn't get one from Cliff's or Luella's. I guess maybe
I had better write to them. It is getting hard to
answer all my letters every week. By the time
I get them all answered I have to write quite a
few letters. There isn't so much for me to write
about anymore either. I don't hardly know how
to write or to start out anymore. About everything
is the same all the time.
          They are landscaping the field and the military
reservation post here. From the gate where you
enter here there is a boulevard. Along this
they have laid sidewalks and set in trees
they are filling up the center with dirt and

going to plant this into flowers. At the gate
they are building a gate guard house and are
going to put a double arch over the gate
with the guard house in the center. Then the
flag pole and flag. Along the edge of the
boulevard they have fixed parking lots. It
really is going to be a pretty field when it is
all finished. About half way down in the field
they are building a band stand. All the barracks
have asbestos shingles for siding. They are
real light grey. They sure look pretty. I will
try to find some pictures of the field in the paper.
They are putting in more pictures every week.
          Down at the hangers they have a good
assortment of bombers here that are undergoing
repair work at this time. We are working on
them everyday. Gee they are mamonth things.
          I was promised an airplane ride last
week and had a parachute on twice ready to
go and at the last minute orders were changed
so I missed out. One of our test pilots said
he would see that I got my ride. So maybe
I will be getting one soon. I hope so. They
fly around for 2 or 3 hours at a time. Some
of the fellows have flew when they flew 240
miles per hour. They have been up as high
as 1000 feet. Gee I am anxious to get up in
the air.

          Don't worry about me riding in a plane
these planes are safe. The pilots are real
good pilots. A lot of the fellows get sick while
they are riding. I think I will be able to stand
it though. They say this is the best flying spot
to learn pilots to fly. It is clear here and you
can see so far.
          Well I guess I have told you about
everything I can think of for this letter. I don't
know what more to write about. I hope you send
Ilene Whitman's address. I would like to drop in
and see them soon.
          So long for now. What have you been
doing lately and today? Write soon. I will try
to write when I find time.
                                      Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on April 10th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • You might remember that everyone on base had to get rid of their cameras. That is why Ralph says that he'll try to find pictures in the newspapers to send home. I have attached scans of the bulletin for the dedication ceremony.

  • What is a fiber sun helmet? The following website provides a great deal of information and photos.
  • I tried to find a photo of the chapel, but was not successful. However, I found a website that provided information about Stinson Field. Here is what was written:

Stinson Field, San Antonio, Tx
Established in 1915 when the Stinson family initially leased the land from the City of San Antonio, Stinson Municipal Airport is the second oldestgeneral aviation airport in continuous operation in the United States.[3]

During World War II the airfield was used by theUnited States Army Air Forces as a training base. At the end of the war the airfield was returned over to the local government for civil use.

The airport currently has an FBO, two flight schools, police and state aviation units, a part 135 operator, two aerial photography outfits, helicopter tour company and helicopter flight school, and numerous general aviation aircraft. It is also home to theTexas Air Museum. The historic terminal was completely renovated in the 2006-2008 time period and runway 9-27 re-opened on March 11, 2010 after being re-surfaced and extended to 5002 feet, allowing the airfield to receive more private and business jet traffic.[4]

In August 2010, The Texas Wing of the Civil Air Patrol announced it will be locating its statewide headquarters to Stinson Municipal Airport.