Monday, February 15, 2016

Feb. 15, 1943.

Dear Mother,
          I received your letter this morning.
I am on K.P. today and I have been rather
busy. We have about two hours off now
and then go back to work about 9:45 P.M.
and work until about 12 midnight.
          I feel ok again now. But Wednesday
I guess we get one or two shots Wednesday
again. I really have been taking to all of
the shots here. They all have made me
sick. Irene says my letters are coming
through better now. They like it there
real well. It is Glasgow road Sylvania
Ohio. I don't know just where this road
is. It is a Mrs. Charlotte Perry. but
Irene says it isn't necessary to put the
c/o on the letters.
          I went to town yesterday morning early.
I was blue all day yesterday. I guess our
warm weather reminds me to much of home
in the summer time. Then most of the fellows
I run around with are busy and I had nobody
to run around with. I went in alone and

went window shopping. I found some catcus
plants and sent Luella & Lenore both some.
They are $1.00 a box if they are over.
I don't know when I will get to write to
them. We really are busy, and it doesn't
amount to anything. But I guess it is training.
I don't see why they want to take so
many into the army for. They haven't room
for them now. There are 90 in our barracks
here. Mr. Meyer wrote and said Tompkins
thought Donald would get out. Have you
heard anything about it? I sure wish I was
farming now. We sure need the food. Even
in the army we are getting rationed now.
          You said the kids we all growing
like everything. I bet they won't even
know me when I get back. I know the
small ones won't, but like Dickie and
Myrlene and Marilyn. For I don't know
when it will be that I will get home again.
Our outfit here is getting hot. So maybe
someday we will take a nice long
trip. Heres hopeing it is nice.
          Did you have company yesterday? What
did you do all day? Gosh it seems so
lonesome to me hear. No place to go and

it is so warm for the season of year
that I am use to. I guess I am getting a
little homesick. If I don't write to people
back home they don't write to me. All there
is here to write about is the army routine
and I have written about that before. Luella
sounded kinda mad in her last letter. She
sounds as if she don't hear from me
everyweek that I don't think of them. I
think of everybody and everything while
I am here. But there isn't anything to write
about. Back there, there is always something
going on. Here one gets the same thing
day after day. It really gets tiresome. So
tell them if they don't hear from me to
keep writing the news from home anyway
because I am thinking of them. Sometimes
I feel just like walking out on everything
or feel like going across where there is
some excitement to break this old grind.
I guess I really have a case of blues
today and I don't care how things go. I
hope this will all soon be over. So a
person can return to his normal way

of life again. What kind of car did Harley
get? Well I must close for now. Please
write soon and often. Got a letter from
Sandusky the other day. Must answer
it soon. Goodnight for now.
                                Love Ralph

Background Information (and comments):

  • Richard (Dickie) Spalding and Myrlene Spalding were Ralph's nephew and niece; their parents were his sister Luella, and her husband Myrl Spalding.
  • Marilyn Brown was Ralph's niece. Her parents were his brother Harold Brown and his wife Lenore. They also had a son named James.
The next letter will be posted on February 21st.

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