Sunday, December 20, 2015

Stinson Field San Antonio, Texas Sunday, Dec. 20, 1942

Dear Mother,
          I received your letter today and one from
Luella. I was sure glad to receive them. I received
one from Irene on Thursday but have not
received anymore.
          It is nice and warm here in Texas.
I suppose you will have a white Christmas
this year. I wish I was going to be there
with you, but I know it is impossible to do so.
They are decorating the mess hall and are
going to have a Christmas party Wednesday
night. So I suppose Christmas will try to be
made merry for us to. Our menu is sure
a big one.
          Tomato juice, pickles, olives, celery,
whipped potatoes, roast turkey, cranberry
sauce, sweet potatoes candied, Waldorf salad,
apple pie La Mode, Pumpkin pie, cake, coffee,
cider, cocoa, fruits, cigars, cigarettes and
          I think we ought to get our fill on this
menu don't you think so?
          I went to church this morning at the

post chapel. It was a very good service.
I am sending you our program of the service.
          Well I can't think of much more to write
about. I think I told you I am not in the
kitchen anymore. I don't do hardly anything.
I am getting more exercise though playing
ball and walking down to the river.
          Well mother I wish all of you a
very Merry Christmas. I wish I could be
there but it is impossible. I will be there
in thought and spirit though. Merry
Christmas and I hope it won't be long before
I will be home for good.
                                      Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on Christmas Day.

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