Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Final Chapter - Ralph & Emily

In my previous post, Ralph and his cousin Morgan Ford attended a Youth Council dance where they met Emily Holliker and Dorothy Ford (classmates from Waterville OH).

And this is how you'll learn the rest of the story - in my mother's own words.

The following is taken from "The Grandparent Book" that Emily was given by my daughter, Leslie many years ago. While preparing photos and memorabilia for Emily's funeral, I happened upon the book. My comments/clarifications are in [ ].

Q. How did you meet grandpa?
A. Met Grandpa (Ralph William Brown) at Lucas Co. Youth Council

Q. How old were you when you met?
A. 19

Q. What attracted you to each other?
A. Good square dancer.

Q. What do you remember most about the courtship?
A. Going to see lots of movies. His kindness. Patience & consideration to let me date others as I had not dated before. He was very affectionate. Good kisser! Lovable person.

Q. When and where was the wedding?
A. April 30, 1949 (Saturday 7:30 P.M.) Waterville Zion Lutheran Church

Q. What did you wear?
A. White satin dress. Was made by "future" sister-in-law, Marie Brown. Veil borrowed from "future sister-in-law", Dorothy Brown.

[Marie was Cliff's wife who wrote Ralph so many letters while he was in the service.]
[Dorothy married Ralph's brother Harley in 1946. He was also in the service and mentioned frequently in his letters. He entered after Ralph, but got home from Europe before Ralph.]

Q. What is your strongest memory from your wedding?
A. Forgot to get my bouquet from maid of honor, so we walked out of church without flowers. After church reception we went back to my folks house & took gifts. - Bill got upset. - couldn't find marriage certificate & we wanted it as going to Niagara Falls - Canada. - Someone had it. OK.

[Emily rarely called Ralph by his given name; she usually referred to him as Bill.]

Q. Who was there (in general)?
A. All my family - mother, father, sisters & spouses, brother & wife - and their children.
Same for Ralph's family.
Cousins & friends.

Q. Did you go on a honeymoon? Tell about it.
A. Yes. Sunday went to Canada - Niagara Falls. Very little business open on a Sunday, like restaurants. Went to N.Y. after seeing American falls. Went on "Maid of Mist" boat trip. Went to New England States. Very cold in Vermont. - Went to Maryland & visited Baumgardner. On to Washington D.C. Was anxious to get home (on Sat home) to see all our wedding gifts.

[Earlier in the set of questions, Emily told how she moved out of the family home in October 1946 when she got a job with Ohio Bell Co. (Telephone). She lived with Mr. & Mrs. Baumgardner at the suggestion of a family friend. Her pay was $29/week.]

Q. What was your adjustment to married life like? Were there any surprises?
A. Not much of any problems. Bill worked all three shifts. Big meals sometimes at noon & other times evening. All night shift I had to sleep by myself - in old upstairs small apartment on Prouty Ave, Toledo Oh. I worked different hours also. Sometimes Bill picked me up from work at Ohio Bell Telephone, other times rode city bus or if after midnight, Co. sent me home in cab - free of charge.

[Ralph worked as a stationary engineer at Medusa Cement Co.]

Here is their wedding invitation and their wedding photo. And one more surprise! (Read through to the end of this post.)

Remember the year that Ralph asked his mom to buy Irene's Christmas present? Remember that he asked his mom to have Irene return it to him after she broke the engagement? Remember that it was a "hope chest" or cedar chest? Guess what he did with it.

Yep, he kept it and either gave it to Emily, or it just became a part of their furniture. It was brought to Florida in 2013 when my mom and I moved down here.

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