Monday, June 18, 2018

Belgium June 18

Dear Mother,
       I am a little late writing
again this week, but I have
a very good excuse for this
time. I just returned today
from a seventy two hour pass
in Paris. I was one of the first
men in our outfit to get a 72 hour
     Paris is really a beautiful
place now. It looks lots cleaner
than it did when I was stationed
there during the winter.
     There are so many parks that
are all blossomed out in flowers
now, and at night the city
is really lit up with lights.

I traveled by rail and was
able to get a good view of the
bombing that had been done over
here. The roads are being repaired
very fast now. Most of them are
     Our mail is very slow in
comeing through. I received 3 letters
while I was gone. It is very poor.
I haven't had a letter from you
for three weeks now. I heard
from Harley today. He is still
in Germany. I sure would like
to see him. I guess I have been
running around to much already to
get many favors. I have a furlough
comeing up next month to England.
It is my first furlough since

Nov. 25. 1943. So I guess it is
about time I had another one.
     I am pretty tired out tonight so
guess I will hit the hay. I hope
some mail will be here tomorrow
and I will be able to answer them
then. Goodnight for now.
                                Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on June 24th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Ralph frequently writes about mail delivery problems and this caused me to go back and examine some envelopes. I'm including one from May 21st (postmarked May 23) and one written 5 days later on May 26th. (postmarked May 29). Besides the fact that one has my mom's notes on it and the other has the airmail marking, can you spot the other major difference? (The answer is found by scrolling down after the second photo.)

Answer: No censor stamp

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