Sunday, April 9, 2017

England. April 9, 1944.

Dear Mother,
         Easter Sunday, but one would
hardly believe it where I am at.
I attended the services today. We
had a grand attendance there was
close to five hundred present at
the services. The Catholics had
just as many at there services
     How was the Easter Services
at home today? As I was sitting
in the services today I was
thinking about you folks back
home. How a lot of them, showing
off there new clothes. There
we were, greasy clothes

and hands not any to clean
either. I believe we got just as
much out of it that they did all
dressed up.
     I received three letters today.
They were V mail and also an
Easter card from Luella. I didn't
get into London to get any cards.
In fact I haven't been to London
for almost two months now. I
guess I have just about seen
most of the country right around
here now.
     Received a letter from Lenore and
also from Marilyn. Had a nice
airmail from Pearl Meyers. I
must answer it when I have

a little time again. We are
quite busy and I guess we will
be for sometime.
     I wrote Harley a V mail last
night. There isn't much I can
write anymore. I guess there
isn't much news.
     Well I guess this is about all
for tonight. Has my pictures
arrived home by now? Goodnight.
Please write often.
                             Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on April 16th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Marilyn was Lenore's daughter. She would have been 6 years old when this letter was written.
  • Ralph enclosed the church bulletin.

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