Sunday, April 16, 2017

England. April 16, 1944

Dear Mother,
      Received the group letter
that all of you folks sent to
me. I like these letters a lot.
From what I hear, there is going
to be a blow out at home. Well
I guess Irene and I will still be
the last ones.
     We have been haveing spring
weather again. I wish it would
dry up soon.
     Mother, please send me
two khaki shirts. Size 17, 32
sleeve length. I think if you
see Mr. Seeger he would

know what type I want. They
are like my summer uniforms
use to be. We just have OD
uniforms over here.
     I was at church this morning.
We had a grand attendance again
today. The chaplain had an
Mother's Day Sermon. He said he
would give it early so we could
have time to send greetings home
so it would get there by mothers
     Most of my mail has caught
up with me now. Haven't
received any yet with my new
APO number. Should be getting
some soon though. Haven't

had any letters that has been
wrote in April yet. I hope I get
some mail tomorrow though. It
is getting harder to write letters
all the time. I guess we need
a new location so there will
be something to write about. Did
you receive my pictures yet?
     I had a letter from Harley
this last week. I guess he doesn't
like the Infantry any to well. I
guess I am lucky to hit the Air
     I must write a few more
letters to the rest of the folks
tonight. I guess they will just
have to get V mail. There is

really no news at all. I guess
this is about all for tonight.
     Hope you have a grand Mother's
Day. I know about the best thing
that would please you the most
would be to have me come home.
This is out so I will have to
send you greetings from England.
Goodnight for now. Please
send my shirts and anything esle
you can crowd in. Goodnight.
                             Love Ralph
P.S. cleaning out some of my old
letters I found one from you Mar 29.
I guess Berkey is keeping up its
record as usual.

The next letter will be posted on April 23rd.

Background Information (and comments):

  • One definition of the phrase "blow out" is "a festive social affair". I think this mystery will be revealed soon.
  • However, it's a mystery of what he meant by "Berkey is keeping up its record as usual.

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