Thursday, July 28, 2016

July 28, 1943

Dear Mother,
     I suppose you have been wondering where
I have been keeping myself. I have been doing
some traveling. I am now stationed in
England. It is a pretty country. That is all
I am able to say about my trip. After this
war is over then I can explain everything.
I suppose it will be quite hard for me
to write a letter because I always had a
subject to talk about.
     I suppose everyone has been asking you
about me. Now you can tell them and give
them my address. I can't think of much
more to write about. Please write soon
and tell the rest I will write more
when I find time. I hope you will
write me just as long as letters in
the future as you did in the past. I
will try to write and answer all your
letters. Send them either V-mail or by
air mail so I will receive them sooner.
Tell everyone hello for me and tell
all I am thinking of them.   Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on August 2nd.

Background Information (and comments):

  • This letter was sent as a V-mail. The envelope measures approximately 4.75 inches by 3.75 inches. The image above is larger than the actual envelope. The letter itself was written on paper measuring 4.25 inches by 5.25 inches. The image below is almost the exact size. Ralph wrote smaller than usual. Notice, too, the censor's stamp in the upper left hand corner.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

July 9, 1943

Dear Mother,
          I suppose you have been
wondering why you haven't heard
from me lately. Well the reason
is because we moved.
          I am still in the United States
but can't say where. Have been
rather busy since arriving here.
          We had a nice trip and I
seen a lot of country I have
never seen before and a lot
of it I have seen.
          How is everything back home?
I hope I get some mail soon
because it is beginning to get
lonesome without hearing from home.
          Has Cliff heard anymore from
his draft board yet?

          I expect I will receive some
mail forwarded from the other
field today.
          Well I don't exactly know
what to write. So I will have
to be short in this letter.
Goodbye for this time. I
am ok. Please write soon.
                        Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on July 28th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • Most of the envelopes containing Ralph's letters were neatly slit along the side or top. I'm guessing Ralph's mother was anxious to read this letter as it was torn open along the side (see photo). It also has a stamp; most of the other letters had the word "Free" written where the stamp would have been placed.

  • This is Ralph's first letters that has a censor's stamp on the envelope. Here is some information about censorship during WWII and a photo of Ralph's envelope. 

Did censoring influence the quality of the letters written?
In general, in the Revolutionary War and Civil War the letters have much more information. The writers would say, 'We're outside of Fredericksburg' or 'I'm in the 12th division,' and that's important information that was often cut out in World War I and World War II.
In WW II, it's common for a soldier to write, 'I can't say much or the censors will cut it out.' Early in World War II, the soldiers couldn't say where they were. People back home didn't know if they were in the Pacific or the Atlantic. You'll see letters where the soldier will say where he is -- it's cut out -- and how many people are in the building -- and that's cut out too. People would do very simple things to get around the censor like write on the inside of the flap but they were usually unsuccessful. So the World War letters often just include just Mom and Pop stuff.
Who did the censoring?
The enlisted soldier was censored by an officer in his unit. It was considered an unimportant job and often someone like the chaplain or the dentist would get saddled with the job. If the enlisted man did not want his officer to read his mail -- if he had been giving him a hard time, let's say -- the soldier could use what was called a 'blue envelope.' The writer would certify that there is nothing in here that shouldn't be and the letter would go up to the next level where it might be looked at a little more kindly.
The officers were self-censored. They didn't have anyone looking at their mail regularly, although the higher level staff or base censors would randomly check officers' letters to keep an eye on them. Officers seemed to say more in their letters. Whether it was because they knew better what was allowed or whether they were more brazen or whether their mail often was not censored is debatable.
If the section they wanted out was very big, they would confiscate the letter. If it was small, they cut out the words or obliterate it with ink. If they had to use special chemicals to check for invisible writing -- something they did when they suspected a spy -- they would confiscate the letter because they didn't want people to know they were doing it.
The censors returned very few soldiers' letters. They confiscated them; they didn't send them back. They didn't necessarily give the word back to the soldier that his or her letter was withheld. It depended where it was stopped and how fast the troops were moving.
From the soldier's perspective, you often didn't know if it was going to get through. The soldiers were all given guidance on what they could say, so you would think they would know how to avoid getting their mail intercepted, but not all did.
What happened to you if your letter was censored?
You might be talked to, because it's important. I don't know of any soldiers who were severely punished for what they wrote in a letter. It wasn't considered an overt act of sabotage; it was considered carelessness.
Why did censorship end after World War II?
It took a lot of time and effort to censor mail and the military probably just figured that it just wasn't worth it. Some censored letters are known from the early part of the Korean War. We believe this was an error with World War II veterans implementing WW II policy until things settled down. Communications changed too. Things were supposed to be faster and that included the mail to and from soldiers. In the latter part of the Vietnam War, the military didn't even bother to cancel letters.

July 3, 1943

Dear Mother,
          How are you today? Is the
heat still got you down? It has been
a little cooler here today. It rained
a little last night and there is a
good breeze blowing now.
          Well mother I don't have much
to write about now. This is the last
letter I will write in Texas. So
please don't send anymore mail
here. As soon as you receive my
new address start the mail to
it. Tell the rest of them my
address so they can write to me.
Gee it is hard to write anything.
I don't know of a thing to write
about. There is a lot to write but
I can't write it. It makes it hard to write.

So I suppose you will have to
have a short letter from me for
this time. Please don't worry about
me. I will be alright. I will write
as soon as I can. I sent another
bunch of my letters and a hat home.
Put them away and maybe in a few
months I will be there to take care
of them. Goodbye for now.
                                  Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on July 9th.