Tuesday, June 21, 2016

June 21, 1943

Dear Mother,
          Well here it is the longest day in the
year. I still am quite busy and I almost forgot
when I wrote to you last. I don't know if I told
you about haveing been awarded the good conduct
medal or not. This was given me last week.
          Yesterday morning I went with some of the
fellows down along the river fishing. Then yesterday
afternoon I went to the Stinson baseball game and
into town later one. Then at 8:00 o'clock we had
a band concert. They have the dance band on
Wednesday nights and Sunday nights the military
band. There always seems to be plenty of entertain-
ment in camp lately.
          We are just about packed up and ready to
go. It won't be long now. We are suppose to leave
sometime near the 1st. So I will try to let
you know where when I do leave. Where we
are going I don't know. We have our bags
stenciled but no one knows what the numbers
mean. If we knew we would know our destination.
          There is always plenty of work to getting ready
for the move. I wish it was over with. Time
is going a lot faster now then it did a year
ago. Gee it seems like a long time. I was

still in Fort Custer a year ago.
          We have been haveing grand weather here
all the time. It is hot but I guess that can
be expected all most anywhere now.
          Wednesday noon we leave on a bivouac.
It is an overnight stay. It is about 12 mile
on a hike. Stay in pup tents and then return
the next day.
          Well mother I can't think of a thing to
write about. It is so it is just the same old
thing day after day. How is everything at
home? Have they got the corn in yet? I suppose
they will be making hay soon. Are they going
to have the school reunion this year?
Well I must say goodbye for now. Write soon
and all the news.
                                         Love Ralph.

The next letter will be posted on June 27th.

Background Information (and comments):

  • If you're interested in barracks/duffle bags, here is a website with photos and information:


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